
NeoRouterWiki:Translation NRConsole ResourceRu

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<resource CompactMode="1" Language="Russian" LANGID="1049">
<resource CompactMode="1" Language="Russian" LANGID="1049">
<string id="100" value="OLE инициализация невозможнаУбедитесь, что OLE библиотеки нужной версии."/>
<string id="100" value="OLE initialization failedMake sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version."/>
<string id="104" value="Не удалось инициализировать сокеты Windows."/>
<string id="101" value="&amp;About Console..."/>
<string id="128" value="Network Explorer\n\nClientUI\n\n\nClientUI.Document\nClientUI.Document"/>
<string id="102" value="&amp;Close"/>
<string id="1000" value="Network Explorer"/>
<string id="103" value="&amp;Help"/>
<string id="1001" value="В сети"/>
<string id="104" value="Windows sockets initialization failed."/>
<string id="1002" value="Не в сети"/>
<string id="1000" value="Configuration Explorer"/>
<string id="1003" value="Статус"/>
<string id="1001" value="Cannot sign in right now. Please contact your administrator."/>
<string id="1004" value="Вы хотите удалить категорию %s?"/>
<string id="1002" value="Default Domain"/>
<string id="1005" value="Вы хотите удалить компьютер %s?"/>
<string id="1003" value="Connected"/>
<string id="1006" value="Мои компьютеры"/>
<string id="1004" value="Disconnected"/>
<string id="1007" value="Невозможно авторизоваться в данный момент. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с Вашим администратором."/>
<string id="1005" value="User Name"/>
<string id="1008" value="Инициализация сервиса невозможна."/>
<string id="1006" value="Full Name"/>
<string id="1009" value="Служба-клиент остановлена. Пожалуйста, запустите её."/>
<string id="1007" value="Type"/>
<string id="1010" value="Приложение устарело. Пожалуйста, обновитесь до последней версии."/>
<string id="1008" value="Status"/>
<string id="1011" value="Версия приложения несовместима с версией сервера."/>
<string id="1009" value="Status"/>
<string id="1012" value="Версия клиента: %s \nВерсия сервера: %s"/>
<string id="1010" value="Ready"/>
<string id="1013" value="Невозможно авторизоваться в системе. Убедитесь, что имя пользователя и пароль верные."/>
<string id="1011" value="User"/>
<string id="1015" value="Невозможно удалить категорию %s, т.к она не пуста."/>
<string id="1012" value="Administrator"/>
<string id="1016" value="О программе"/>
<string id="1013" value="Invalid User"/>
<string id="1017" value="Версия"/>
<string id="1014" value="Yes"/>
<string id="1018" value="Авторское право (C) 2009 NeoRouter Inc."/>
<string id="1015" value="No"/>
<string id="1019" value="Network Viewer"/>
<string id="1016" value="Enabled"/>
<string id="1020" value="Ваш список компьютеров пуст"/>
<string id="1017" value="Disabled"/>
<string id="1021" value="Чтобы добавить компьютер в этот список, пожалуйста, кликните меню \n&quot;Компьютеры&quot; и выберите &quot;Добавить компьютер&quot;."/>
<string id="1018" value="Description"/>
<string id="1030" value="Запустить в качестве клиента\nЗапустить в качестве сервера\nЗапустить в качестве сервиса"/>
<string id="1019" value="With User Accounts, you can create a new user, edit user information and delete a user."/>
<string id="1031" value="Когда аддон запустится\nКогда NeoRouter Network Explorer запустится\nКогда пользователь войдёт\nКогда NeoRouter служба-клиент запустится"/>
<string id="1020" value="Do you want to delete %s's account?"/>
<string id="1032" value="Без условий\nКогда удаленный компьютер работает\nКогда удаленный компьютер спит"/>
<string id="1021" value="Failed to delete the user account."/>
<string id="1033" value="Переменная"/>
<string id="1022" value="Add a New User"/>
<string id="1034" value="Значение"/>
<string id="1023" value="Edit User Information"/>
<string id="1035" value="Выбранное имя компьютера"/>
<string id="1024" value="Cannot add the user. Please check the information and try again."/>
<string id="1036" value="Выбранный IP адрес компьютера"/>
<string id="1025" value="Cannot update the user information. Please check the information and try again."/>
<string id="1037" value="Список IP адресов активных компьютеров"/>
<string id="1026" value="Computer Name"/>
<string id="1038" value="Список имён активных компьютеров"/>
<string id="1027" value="Address"/>
<string id="1039" value="Список имён всех компьютеров в текущем виде"/>
<string id="1028" value="Status"/>
<string id="1040" value="Вы хотите удалить аддон %s?"/>
<string id="1029" value="Type"/>
<string id="1041" value="Вручную\nАвтоматически после авторизации\nАвтоматически после запуска Windows"/>
<string id="1030" value="Do you want to delete the computer?"/>
<string id="1042" value="Некорректный образ аддона."/>
<string id="1031" value="Failed to delete the computer."/>
<string id="1043" value="Данная версия Windows не поддерживается. Требуется WindowsXP или новее."/>
<string id="1032" value="With Computer, you can edit computer information and set firewal to protect your computer."/>
<string id="1044" value="Новая версия NeoRouter доступна."/>
<string id="1033" value="Cannot connect to server."/>
<string id="1045" value="У Вас уже установлена последняя версия."/>
<string id="1034" value="Do you want to delete the service from the service list?"/>
<string id="1046" value="Переподключение через %d сек. ..."/>
<string id="1035" value="Do you want to delete the user for the computer?"/>
<string id="1047" value="Ваша лицензия истечёт через %d д."/>
<string id="1036" value="With Settings, you can configure server's information."/>
<string id="1048" value="Ваша лицензия истекла %d д. назад."/>
<string id="1037" value="Add a New Service"/>
<string id="1049" value="Исчерпано максимально допустимое количество соединений к серверу."/>
<string id="1038" value="Edit Service Information"/>
<string id="1050" value="Исчерпано максимально допустимое количество компьютеров на сервере."/>
<string id="1039" value="Add a New Port"/>
<string id="2000" value="Стандартная"/>
<string id="1040" value="Edit Port"/>
<string id="2001" value="Действия"/>
<string id="1041" value="Permanent"/>
<string id="2101" value="Добавить"/>
<string id="1042" value="Temporary"/>
<string id="2102" value="Редактировать"/>
<string id="1043" value="Default User"/>
<string id="2103" value="Удалить"/>
<string id="1044" value="Online"/>
<string id="2104" value="Справка"/>
<string id="1045" value="Offline"/>
<string id="2105" value="Изменения вступят в силу только после перезапуска сервиса-клиента. Вы хотите перезапустить его немедленно?"/>
<string id="1046" value="Do you want to restart the server on this computer now? The changes will not take effect until the server service restarts. After it restarts, you may want to sign in again."/>
<string id="2106" value="Подключаемся к сервису-клиенту NeoRouter..."/>
<string id="1047" value="Cannot change domain name. Please check the infromation and try again."/>
<string id="2107" value="Авторизуемся на сервере NeoRouter..."/>
<string id="1048" value="The domain name has been registered."/>
<string id="2108" value="Переподключаемся к серверу NeoRouter..."/>
<string id="1049" value="Cannot change domain password. Please check the information and try again."/>
<string id="2109" value="Невозможно изменить пароль данного пользователя. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что старый пароль введён корректно и попробуйте ещё раз."/>
<string id="1050" value="Cannot change server port. Please check the information and try again."/>
<string id="2110" value="Пароль был успешно изменён."/>
<string id="1051" value="Cannot change update type. Please check the information and try again."/>
<string id="9122" value="\n&amp;Добавить или Удалить кнопки"/>
<string id="1052" value="Cannot create domain. Please check the information and try again."/>
<string id="9123" value="\n&amp;Сброс панели инструментов"/>
<string id="1053" value="Cannot find the domain. Please check the information and try again."/>
<string id="9135" value="\nКарандаш"/>
<string id="1054" value="Do you want to change the server listen port? If so, the service will be restart automatically and you may want to log in again."/>
<string id="9136" value="\nЗалить"/>
<string id="1055" value="The software expired. Please upgrade to the latest version."/>
<string id="9137" value="\nПипетка"/>
<string id="1056" value="The application vesion is not compatible with the server."/>
<string id="9138" value="\nЛиния"/>
<string id="1057" value="The client version is %s \nThe server version is %s"/>
<string id="9139" value="\nПрямоугольник"/>
<string id="1058" value="Username and password do not match."/>
<string id="9140" value="\nЭллипс"/>
<string id="1059" value="Insufficient permission."/>
<string id="9141" value="\nКопировать"/>
<string id="1060" value="The domain name entered is not properly formatted. Standard names may contain letters(a-z, A-Z), numbers(0-9), and hyphens(-), but no spaces or periods(.). The name may not consist entirely of digits."/>
<string id="9142" value="\nВставить"/>
<string id="1061" value="The specified account name is not valid, because account names cannot contain the following characters: /]&quot;:;|&lt;&gt;+=,?* \n Please type a different name."/>
<string id="9143" value="\nОчистить"/>
<string id="1062" value="With Connections, you can specify a method used when creating connection between clients."/>
<string id="9144" value="\nОтмена"/>
<string id="1063" value="The changes will not take effect until the client service restart. Do you want to restart the client service now?"/>
<string id="9145" value="\nПовтор"/>
<string id="1064" value="Does not support the current Windows version. Requires WindowXp or later."/>
<string id="9146" value="\nИмпорт из файла"/>
<string id="1065" value="Connection..."/>
<string id="9148" value="\nПараметры панели инструментов"/>
<string id="1066" value="Please restart your NeoRouter server manually. The changes will take effect the next time you start your server."/>
<string id="9149" value="\nЗакрыть"/>
<string id="1067" value="The server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed users."/>
<string id="9150" value="\nРазвернуть"/>
<string id="2100" value="Add New User"/>
<string id="9151" value="\nЗакрыть окно"/>
<string id="2101" value="Edit User Information"/>
<string id="9152" value="\nВосстановить окно"/>
<string id="2102" value="Delete User"/>
<string id="9153" value="\nСвернуть окно"/>
<string id="2103" value="Help"/>
<string id="9155" value="\nПерейти к п&amp;редыдущим вкладкам"/>
<string id="2104" value="Add New Computer"/>
<string id="9156" value="\nПерейти к сл&amp;едующим вкладкам"/>
<string id="2105" value="Edit Computer Information"/>
<string id="9157" value="\nСоздать &amp;горизонтальные вкладки"/>
<string id="2106" value="Delete Computer"/>
<string id="9158" value="\nСоздать &amp;вертикальные вкладки"/>
<string id="2107" value="Please restart your NeoRouter server manually. The changes will take effect the next time you start your server."/>
<string id="9159" value="\n&amp;Отмена"/>
<string id="2108" value="Edit Access Control List"/>
<string id="9160" value="Закрыть"/>
<string id="2109" value="Alias"/>
<string id="9161" value="Изменить"/>
<string id="2110" value="Cannot change the computer alias. Please check the information and try again."/>
<string id="9162" value="Новое меню"/>
<string id="2111" value="Domain information has been refreshed successfully."/>
<string id="9163" value="Особый %d"/>
<string id="2112" value="Cannot change DHCP settings. Please check the information and try again."/>
<string id="9164" value="Имя панели инструментов не можеть быть пустым. Введите имя."/>
<string id="2113" value="Cannot activate your product. Please check your product key and try again."/>
<string id="9165" value="Извините, Вы достигли Вашего предела."/>
<string id="2114" value="NeoRouter Pro"/>
<string id="9166" value="Панель инструментов с именем '%s' уже существует. Введите другое имя."/>
<string id="2115" value="NeoRouter Free"/>
<string id="9167" value="Переименовать панель инструментов"/>
<string id="2116" value="Your license will be expired in %d day(s)."/>
<string id="9168" value="Вы уверены, что хотите удалить панель инструментов '%s'?"/>
<string id="2117" value="Your license has been expired %d day(s)."/>
<string id="9169" value="Все команды"/>
<string id="9122" value="\n&amp;Add or Remove Buttons"/>
<string id="9170" value="Это удалит историю команд, использованных Вами в этом приложении и восстановит набор команд, которые отображаются по умолчанию в меню и панелях инструментов.  Это не отменит никакие внесённые изменения.  Вы уверены, что хотите сделать это?"/>
<string id="9123" value="\n&amp;Reset Toolbar"/>
<string id="9171" value="Неверное число."/>
<string id="9135" value="\nPencil"/>
<string id="9172" value="Число должно быть между 1 и 1638."/>
<string id="9136" value="\nFill Color"/>
<string id="9173" value="Вы уверены, что хотите сбросить изменения, произведенные в панели инструментов '%s'?"/>
<string id="9137" value="\nPick Color"/>
<string id="9174" value="Встроенные меню"/>
<string id="9138" value="\nLine"/>
<string id="9175" value="Вы уверены, что хотите сбросить быстрый вызов с помощью клавиатуры?  Это удалит все индивидуальные настройки действий с помощью клавиш."/>
<string id="9139" value="\nRectangle"/>
<string id="9176" value="Этот ярлык уже используется.\nВы хотите переназначить его?"/>
<string id="9140" value="\nEllipse"/>
<string id="9177" value="После обновления программы доступна изменённая панель инструментов '%s'. Хотите отказаться от старой настроенной Вами панели и загрузить новую?"/>
<string id="9141" value="\nCopy"/>
<string id="9178" value="Все графические файлы|*.bmp;*.wmf;*.emf;*.ico;*.dib;*.cur;*.gif;*.jpg|Bitmaps(*.Bmp;*.Dib)|*.bmp;*.dib|Metafiles(*.Wmf;*.Emf)|*.wmf;*.emf|Icons(*.Ico;*.Cur)|*.ico;*.cur|GIF(*.Gif)|*.gif|JPEG(*.Jpg)|*.jpg|Все файлы(*.*)|*.*||"/>
<string id="9142" value="\nPaste"/>
<string id="9179" value="(По умолчанию в системе)"/>
<string id="9143" value="\nClear"/>
<string id="9180" value="Случайный"/>
<string id="9144" value="\nUndo"/>
<string id="9181" value="Раскрыть"/>
<string id="9145" value="\nRedo"/>
<string id="9182" value="Сдвинуть"/>
<string id="9146" value="\nImport from File"/>
<string id="9183" value="Растворить"/>
<string id="9148" value="\nToolbar Options"/>
<string id="9184" value="Ничего"/>
<string id="9149" value="\nClose"/>
<string id="9185" value="Активные файлы"/>
<string id="9150" value="\nExpand"/>
<string id="9320" value="Новый"/>
<string id="9151" value="\nClose Window"/>
<string id="9321" value="Удалить"/>
<string id="9152" value="\nRestore Window"/>
<string id="9322" value="Поднять"/>
<string id="9153" value="\nMinimize Window"/>
<string id="9323" value="Опустить"/>
<string id="9155" value="\nMove to P&amp;revious Tab Group"/>
<string id="9325" value="Сортировать по возрастанию\nСортировать по возрастанию"/>
<string id="9156" value="\nMove to Ne&amp;xt Tab Group"/>
<string id="9326" value="Сортировать по убыванию\nСортировать по убыванию"/>
<string id="9157" value="\nNew Hori&amp;zontal Tab Group"/>
<string id="9327" value="Выровнять параграф по левой границе\nПо левому краю"/>
<string id="9158" value="\nNew &amp;Vertical Tab Group"/>
<string id="9328" value="Центрировать параграф между границами\nПо центру"/>
<string id="9159" value="\nC&amp;ancel"/>
<string id="9329" value="Выровнять параграф по правой границе\nПо правому краю"/>
<string id="9160" value="Close"/>
<string id="9330" value="Показывать большие иконки\nБольшие иконки"/>
<string id="9161" value="Customize"/>
<string id="9331" value="Показывать маленькие иконки\nМаленькие иконки"/>
<string id="9162" value="New Menu"/>
<string id="9332" value="Удалить из панели инструментов Outlook"/>
<string id="9163" value="Custom %d"/>
<string id="9333" value="Переименовать ярлык"/>
<string id="9164" value="The toolbar name cannot be blank. Type a name."/>
<string id="9334" value="Удалить группу"/>
<string id="9165" value="Sorry you have reached your limit."/>
<string id="9335" value="Переименовать группу"/>
<string id="9166" value="A toolbar named '%s' already exists. Type another name."/>
<string id="9336" value="Имя"/>
<string id="9167" value="Rename Toolbar"/>
<string id="9337" value="Размер"/>
<string id="9168" value="Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' toolbar?"/>
<string id="9338" value="Тип"/>
<string id="9169" value="All Commands"/>
<string id="9339" value="Изменён"/>
<string id="9170" value="This will delete the record of the commands you've used in this application and restore the default set of visible commands to the menus and toolbars.  It will not undo any explicit customizations.  Are you sure you want to do this?"/>
<string id="9340" value="Автоматически"/>
<string id="9171" value="This is not a valid number."/>
<string id="9341" value="Настроить..."/>
<string id="9172" value="The number must be between 1 and 1638."/>
<string id="9342" value="Выберите папку:"/>
<string id="9173" value="Are you sure you want to reset the changes made to the '%s' toolbar?"/>
<string id="9174" value="Built-in Menus"/>
<string id="9175" value="Are you sure you want to reset the key assignments?  This action will remove all custom key assignments at the text level."/>
<string id="9176" value="This shortcut is currently assigned.\nDo you want to re-assign this shortcut?"/>
<string id="9177" value="Due to a software update the toolbar '%s' has changed. Would you like to reset your customized toolbar and load the new one?"/>
<string id="9178" value="All Picture Files|*.bmp;*.wmf;*.emf;*.ico;*.dib;*.cur;*.gif;*.jpg|Bitmaps(*.Bmp;*.Dib)|*.bmp;*.dib|Metafiles(*.Wmf;*.Emf)|*.wmf;*.emf|Icons(*.Ico;*.Cur)|*.ico;*.cur|GIF(*.Gif)|*.gif|JPEG(*.Jpg)|*.jpg|All Files(*.*)|*.*||"/>
<string id="9179" value="(System default)"/>
<string id="9180" value="Random"/>
<string id="9181" value="Unfold"/>
<string id="9182" value="Slide"/>
<string id="9183" value="Fade"/>
<string id="9184" value="None"/>
<string id="9185" value="Active Files"/>
<string id="9320" value="New"/>
<string id="9321" value="Delete"/>
<string id="9322" value="Move Up"/>
<string id="9323" value="Move Down"/>
<string id="9325" value="Sort Ascending\nSort Ascending"/>
<string id="9326" value="Sort Descending\nSort Descending"/>
<string id="9327" value="Aligns the paragraph at the left margin\nAlign Left"/>
<string id="9328" value="Centers the paragraph between the margins\nCenter"/>
<string id="9329" value="Aligns the paragraph at the right margin\nAlign Right"/>
<string id="9330" value="Show large icons\nLarge Icons"/>
<string id="9331" value="Show small icons\nSmall Icons"/>
<string id="9332" value="Remove from Outlook Bar"/>
<string id="9333" value="Rename Shortcut"/>
<string id="9334" value="Remove Group"/>
<string id="9335" value="Rename Group"/>
<string id="9336" value="Name"/>
<string id="9337" value="Size"/>
<string id="9338" value="Type"/>
<string id="9339" value="Modified"/>
<string id="9340" value="Automatic"/>
<string id="9341" value="Customize..."/>
<string id="9342" value="Select Directory:"/>
<string id="9343" value="..."/>
<string id="9343" value="..."/>
Line 267: Line 335:
<string id="9344" value="*.*"/>
<string id="9344" value="*.*"/>
<string id="9345" value="Все файлы (*.*)|*.*||"/>
<string id="9345" value="All Files (*.*)|*.*||"/>
<string id="9346" value="Имя папки:"/>
<string id="9346" value="Directory name:"/>
<string id="9347" value="Нажмите кнопку для удержания открытым"/>
<string id="9347" value="Click push pin to keep open"/>
<string id="9348" value="А Вы знаете, что..."/>
<string id="9348" value="Did you know..."/>
<string id="9349" value="Указанный файл не существует."/>
<string id="9349" value="The specified file does not exist."/>
<string id="9350" value="Ошибка чтения файла."/>
<string id="9350" value="Error reading file."/>
<string id="9351" value="Цвета"/>
<string id="9351" value="Colors"/>
<string id="9352" value="Новый"/>
<string id="9352" value="New"/>
<string id="9353" value="Текущий"/>
<string id="9353" value="Current"/>
<string id="9354" value="Папки:"/>
<string id="9354" value="Directories:"/>
<string id="9355" value="Файлы:"/>
<string id="9355" value="Files:"/>
<string id="9356" value="Hex"/>
<string id="9356" value="Hex"/>
<string id="9357" value="Операционная система исчерпала память или иные ресурсы."/>
<string id="9357" value="The operating system is out of memory or resources."/>
<string id="9358" value="Указанный файл не найден."/>
<string id="9358" value="The specified file was not found."/>
<string id="9359" value="Указанный путь не найден."/>
<string id="9359" value="The specified path was not found."/>
<string id="9360" value="Операционная система отказала в доступе к указанному файлу."/>
<string id="9360" value="The operating system denied access to the specified file."/>
<string id="9361" value="Недостаточно памяти для завершения операции."/>
<string id="9361" value="There was not enough memory to complete the operation."/>
<string id="9362" value=".exe файл некорректен (не-Win32® .exe или ошибка в образе .exe)."/>
<string id="9362" value="The .exe file is invalid (non-Win32? .exe or error in .exe image)."/>
<string id="9363" value="Произошла ошибка во время совместного доступа."/>
<string id="9363" value="A sharing violation occurred."/>
<string id="9364" value="Файловая ассоциация не существует или некорректна."/>
<string id="9364" value="The file name association is incomplete or invalid."/>
<string id="9365" value="DDE транзакция не может быть завершена, т.к. время ожидания запроса истёкло."/>
<string id="9365" value="The DDE transaction could not be completed because the request timed out."/>
<string id="9366" value="DDE транзакция не удалась."/>
<string id="9366" value="The DDE transaction failed."/>
<string id="9367" value="данная DDE транзакция не может быть завершена, т.к. уже проводится другая."/>
<string id="9367" value="The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed."/>
<string id="9368" value="Нет приложения, ассоциированного с данным файловым расширением."/>
<string id="9368" value="There is no application associated with the given file name extension."/>
<string id="9369" value="Указанная динамически подгружаемая библиотека не найдена."/>
<string id="9369" value="The specified dynamic-link library was not found."/>
<string id="9370" value="Произошла неизвестная ошибка № %d."/>
<string id="9370" value="An unknown error number %d occured."/>
<string id="9424" value="Стандартные цвета"/>
<string id="9424" value="Standard Colors"/>
<string id="9425" value="Всплывающая подсказка"/>
<string id="9425" value="Tip text"/>
<string id="9432" value="Хорошо"/>
<string id="9432" value="OK"/>
<string id="9433" value="&amp;Да"/>
<string id="9433" value="&amp;Yes"/>
<string id="9434" value="&amp;Нет"/>
<string id="9434" value="&amp;No"/>
<string id="9435" value="&amp;Повторить"/>
<string id="9435" value="&amp;Retry"/>
<string id="9436" value="Отмена"/>
<string id="9436" value="Cancel"/>
<string id="9437" value="&amp;Закрыть"/>
<string id="9437" value="&amp;Close"/>
<string id="9438" value="Показать &amp;детали"/>
<string id="9438" value="Show &amp;Details"/>
<string id="9439" value="Скрыть &amp;детали"/>
<string id="9439" value="Hide &amp;Details"/>
<string id="9440" value="&amp;Применить"/>
<string id="9440" value="&amp;Apply"/>
<string id="9441" value="Справка"/>
<string id="9441" value="Help"/>
<string id="9900" value="Чёрный"/>
<string id="9900" value="Black"/>
<string id="9901" value="Коричневый"/>
<string id="9901" value="Brown"/>
<string id="9902" value="Оливковый"/>
<string id="9902" value="Olive Green"/>
<string id="9903" value="Тёмно-зелёный"/>
<string id="9903" value="Dark Green"/>
<string id="9904" value="Тёмно-зеленовато-голубой"/>
<string id="9904" value="Dark Teal"/>
<string id="9905" value="Синий"/>
<string id="9905" value="Dark Blue"/>
<string id="9906" value="Индиго"/>
<string id="9906" value="Indigo"/>
<string id="9907" value="Серый-80%"/>
<string id="9907" value="Gray-80%"/>
<string id="9908" value="Тёмно-красный"/>
<string id="9908" value="Dark Red"/>
<string id="9909" value="Оранжевый"/>
<string id="9909" value="Orange"/>
<string id="9910" value="Тёмно-жёлтый"/>
<string id="9910" value="Dark Yellow"/>
<string id="9911" value="Зелёный"/>
<string id="9911" value="Green"/>
<string id="9912" value="Зеленовато-голубой"/>
<string id="9912" value="Teal"/>
<string id="9913" value="Голубой"/>
<string id="9913" value="Blue"/>
<string id="9914" value="Шаровый"/>
<string id="9914" value="Blue-Gray"/>
<string id="9915" value="Серый-50%"/>
<string id="9915" value="Gray-50%"/>
<string id="9916" value="Красный"/>
<string id="9916" value="Red"/>
<string id="9917" value="Светло-оранжевый"/>
<string id="9917" value="Light Orange"/>
<string id="9918" value="Лайм"/>
<string id="9918" value="Lime"/>
<string id="9919" value="Зелёной морской волны"/>
<string id="9919" value="Sea Green"/>
<string id="9920" value="Морской волны"/>
<string id="9920" value="Aqua"/>
<string id="9921" value="Светло-голубой"/>
<string id="9921" value="Light Blue"/>
<string id="9922" value="Фиолетовый"/>
<string id="9922" value="Violet"/>
<string id="9923" value="Серый-40%"/>
<string id="9923" value="Gray-40%"/>
<string id="9924" value="Розовый"/>
<string id="9924" value="Pink"/>
<string id="9925" value="Золотой"/>
<string id="9925" value="Gold"/>
<string id="9926" value="Жёлтый"/>
<string id="9926" value="Yellow"/>
<string id="9927" value="Ярко-зелёный"/>
<string id="9927" value="Bright Green"/>
<string id="9928" value="Бирюзовый"/>
<string id="9928" value="Turquoise"/>
<string id="9929" value="Лазурный"/>
<string id="9929" value="Sky Blue"/>
<string id="9930" value="Тёмно-фиолетовый"/>
<string id="9930" value="Plum"/>
<string id="9931" value="Серый-25%"/>
<string id="9931" value="Gray-25%"/>
<string id="9932" value="Розовый"/>
<string id="9932" value="Rose"/>
<string id="9933" value="Жёлто-коричневый"/>
<string id="9933" value="Tan"/>
<string id="9934" value="Светло-жёлтый"/>
<string id="9934" value="Light Yellow"/>
<string id="9935" value="Салатовый"/>
<string id="9935" value="Light Green"/>
<string id="9936" value="Светло-бирюзовый"/>
<string id="9936" value="Light Turquoise"/>
<string id="9937" value="Лазурный"/>
<string id="9937" value="Pale Blue"/>
<string id="9938" value="Бледно-лиловый"/>
<string id="9938" value="Lavender"/>
<string id="9939" value="Белый"/>
<string id="9939" value="White"/>
<string id="9940" value="Серый"/>
<string id="9940" value="Gray"/>
<string id="9941" value="Красно-коричневый"/>
<string id="9941" value="Maroon"/>
<string id="9942" value="Оливковый"/>
<string id="9942" value="Olive"/>
<string id="9943" value="Грязно-синий"/>
<string id="9943" value="Navy"/>
<string id="9944" value="Пурпурный"/>
<string id="9944" value="Purple"/>
<string id="9945" value="Серебряный"/>
<string id="9945" value="Silver"/>
<string id="9946" value="Фуксии"/>
<string id="9946" value="Fuchsia"/>
<string id="9947" value="Без заливки\nБез заливки"/>
<string id="9947" value="No Fill\nNo Fill"/>
<string id="9948" value="Автоматичесий цвет\nАвтоматичесий цвет"/>
<string id="9948" value="Automatic Color\nAutomatic Color"/>
<string id="9949" value="Больше цветов..."/>
<string id="9949" value="More Colors..."/>
<string id="9974" value="Одна страница"/>
<string id="9974" value="One Page"/>
<string id="9975" value="Две страницы"/>
<string id="9975" value="Two Page"/>
<string id="32774" value="Добавить компьютер"/>
<string id="35001" value="Customize application appearance, toolbars, and menus\n&amp;Customize..."/>
<string id="32775" value="Добавить категорию"/>
<string id="35001" value="Настроить внешний вид программы, панели инструментов и меню\n&amp;Настроить..."/>
<string id="35200" value="Arabic"/>
<string id="35200" value="Arabic"/>
Line 505: Line 569:
<string id="35225" value="Romanian"/>
<string id="35225" value="Romanian"/>
<string id="35226" value="Русский"/>
<string id="35226" value="Russian"/>
<string id="35227" value="Slovak"/>
<string id="35227" value="Slovak"/>
Line 521: Line 585:
<string id="35233" value="Ukrainian"/>
<string id="35233" value="Ukrainian"/>
<string id="57344" value="Network Explorer"/>
<string id="61440" value="Open"/>
<string id="57345" value="Готов"/>
<string id="61441" value="Save As"/>
<string id="57600" value="Создать новый документ\nСоздать"/>
<string id="61442" value="All Files (*.*)"/>
<string id="57601" value="Открыть существующий документ\nОткрыть"/>
<string id="61443" value="Untitled"/>
<string id="57602" value="Закрыть активный документ\nЗакрыть"/>
<string id="61446" value="an unnamed file"/>
<string id="57603" value="Сохранить активный документ\nСохранить"/>
<string id="61457" value="&amp;Hide"/>
<string id="57604" value="Сохранить активный документ под новым именем\nСохранить как"/>
<string id="61472" value="No error message is available."/>
<string id="57616" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61473" value="An unsupported operation was attempted."/>
<string id="57617" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61474" value="A required resource was unavailable."/>
<string id="57618" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61475" value="Out of memory."/>
<string id="57619" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61476" value="An unknown error has occurred."/>
<string id="57620" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61477" value="An invalid argument was encountered."/>
<string id="57621" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61696" value="Invalid filename."/>
<string id="57622" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61697" value="Failed to open document."/>
<string id="57623" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61698" value="Failed to save document."/>
<string id="57624" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61699" value="Save changes to %1?"/>
<string id="57625" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61700" value="Failed to create empty document."/>
<string id="57626" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61701" value="The file is too large to open."/>
<string id="57627" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61702" value="Could not start print job."/>
<string id="57628" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61703" value="Failed to launch help."/>
<string id="57629" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61704" value="Internal application error."/>
<string id="57630" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61705" value="Command failed."/>
<string id="57631" value="Открыть этот документ"/>
<string id="61706" value="Insufficient memory to perform operation."/>
<string id="57632" value="Стереть выделенное\nСтереть"/>
<string id="61707" value="System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted."/>
<string id="57633" value="Стереть всё\nСтереть всё"/>
<string id="61708" value="Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed."/>
<string id="57634" value="Копировать выделенное в буфер обмена\nКопировать"/>
<string id="61709" value="This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system."/>
<string id="57635" value="Вырезать выделенное в буфер обмена\nВырезать"/>
<string id="61710" value="This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s."/>
<string id="57636" value="Найти указанный текст\nНайти"/>
<string id="61712" value="Please enter an integer."/>
<string id="57637" value="Вставить содержимое буфера обмена\nВставить"/>
<string id="61713" value="Please enter a number."/>
<string id="57640" value="Повторить последнее действие\nПовторить"/>
<string id="61714" value="Please enter an integer between %1 and %2."/>
<string id="57641" value="Заменить один текст другим\nЗаменить"/>
<string id="61715" value="Please enter a number between %1 and %2."/>
<string id="57642" value="Выделить весь документ\nВыделить всё"/>
<string id="61716" value="Please enter no more than %1 characters."/>
<string id="57643" value="Отменить последнее действие\nОтменить"/>
<string id="61717" value="Please select a button."/>
<string id="57644" value="Повторить последнее отменённое действие\nПовторить"/>
<string id="61718" value="Please enter an integer between 0 and 255."/>
<string id="57653" value="Разделить активное окно на части\nРазделить"/>
<string id="61719" value="Please enter a positive integer."/>
<string id="57664" value="Показать информацию о программе, версии и авторских правах\nО программе"/>
<string id="61720" value="Please enter a date and/or time."/>
<string id="57665" value="Выйти из программы; с запросом о сохранении документов\nExit"/>
<string id="61721" value="Please enter a currency."/>
<string id="57680" value="Перейти к следующей части окна\nСледующая часть"/>
<string id="61722" value="Please enter a GUID."/>
<string id="57681" value="Перейти к предыдущей части окна\nПредыдущая часть"/>
<string id="61723" value="Please enter a time."/>
<string id="59136" value="EXT"/>
<string id="61724" value="Please enter a date."/>
<string id="59137" value="CAP"/>
<string id="61728" value="Unexpected file format."/>
<string id="59138" value="NUM"/>
<string id="61729" value="%1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given."/>
<string id="59139" value="SCRL"/>
<string id="61730" value="Destination disk drive is full."/>
<string id="59140" value="OVR"/>
<string id="61731" value="Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else."/>
<string id="59141" value="REC"/>
<string id="61732" value="Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else."/>
<string id="59392" value="Показать или скрыть панель инструментов\nПереключить панель инструментов"/>
<string id="61733" value="An unexpected error occurred while reading %1."/>
<string id="59393" value="Показать или скрыть панель статуса\nПереключить панель статуса"/>
<string id="61734" value="An unexpected error occurred while writing %1."/>
<string id="61184" value="Изменить размер окна"/>
<string id="61744" value="%1: %2\nContinue running script?"/>
<string id="61185" value="Изменить положение окна"/>
<string id="61745" value="Dispatch exception: %1"/>
<string id="61186" value="Свернуть окно в иконку"/>
<string id="61836" value="Unable to read write-only property."/>
<string id="61187" value="Развернуть окно до максимального размера"/>
<string id="61837" value="Unable to write read-only property."/>
<string id="61188" value="Перейти к окну следующего документа"/>
<string id="61840" value="Unable to load mail system support."/>
<string id="61189" value="Перейти к окну предыдущего документа"/>
<string id="61841" value="Mail system DLL is invalid."/>
<string id="61190" value="Закрыть активное окно с запросом о сохранении документов"/>
<string id="61842" value="Send Mail failed to send message."/>
<string id="61202" value="Восстановить нормальный размер окна"/>
<string id="61856" value="No error occurred."/>
<string id="61203" value="Достигнуто максимально допустимое количество компьютеров на сервере."/>
<string id="61857" value="An unknown error occurred while accessing %1."/>
<string id="61440" value="Открыть"/>
<string id="61858" value="%1 was not found."/>
<string id="61441" value="Сохранить как"/>
<string id="61859" value="%1 contains an invalid path."/>
<string id="61442" value="Все файлы (*.*)"/>
<string id="61860" value="%1 could not be opened because there are too many open files."/>
<string id="61443" value="Без названия"/>
<string id="61861" value="Access to %1 was denied."/>
<string id="61446" value="безымянный файл"/>
<string id="61862" value="An invalid file handle was associated with %1."/>
<string id="61457" value="&amp;Скрыть"/>
<string id="61863" value="%1 could not be removed because it is the current directory."/>
<string id="61472" value="Нет сообщений об ошибках."/>
<string id="61864" value="%1 could not be created because the directory is full."/>
<string id="61473" value="Произведена попытка совершить неподдерживаемую операцию."/>
<string id="61865" value="Seek failed on %1"/>
<string id="61474" value="Требуемый ресурс был недоступен."/>
<string id="61866" value="A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1."/>
<string id="61475" value="Ошибка выделения памяти."/>
<string id="61867" value="A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1."/>
<string id="61476" value="Произошла неизвестная ошибка."/>
<string id="61868" value="A locking violation occurred while accessing %1."/>
<string id="61477" value="Обнаружен недопустимый аргумент."/>
<string id="61869" value="Disk full while accessing %1."/>
<string id="61696" value="Некорретное имя файла."/>
<string id="61870" value="An attempt was made to access %1 past its end."/>
<string id="61697" value="Не удалось открыть документ."/>
<string id="61872" value="No error occurred."/>
<string id="61698" value="Не удалось сохранить документ."/>
<string id="61873" value="An unknown error occurred while accessing %1."/>
<string id="61699" value="Сохранить изменения в %1?"/>
<string id="61874" value="An attempt was made to write to the reading %1."/>
<string id="61700" value="Не удалось создать пустой документ."/>
<string id="61875" value="An attempt was made to access %1 past its end."/>
<string id="61701" value="Файл слишком большой, чтобы открыть его."/>
<string id="61876" value="An attempt was made to read from the writing %1."/>
<string id="61702" value="Не удалось отправить задание на печать."/>
<string id="61877" value="%1 has a bad format."/>
<string id="61703" value="Не удалось открыть справку."/>
<string id="61878" value="%1 contained an unexpected object."/>
<string id="61704" value="Внутренняя ошибка приложения."/>
<string id="61879" value="%1 contains an incorrect schema."/>
<string id="61705" value="Команда не выполнена."/>
<string id="61888" value="pixels"/>
<string id="61706" value="Недостаточно памяти для проведения операции."/>
<string id="62177" value="Uncheck"/>
<string id="61707" value="Записи в системном реестре и INI файл (если существовал) были удалены."/>
<string id="62178" value="Check"/>
<string id="61708" value="Не все записи в системном реестре (или INI файле) были удалены."/>
<string id="62179" value="Mixed"/>
<string id="61709" value="Данной программе требуется файл %s, который не был найден в текущей системе."/>
<menu id="9121">
<string id="61710" value="This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s."/>
<menuitem caption="Customize">
<string id="61712" value="Пожалуйста, введите целое число."/>
<menuitem id="9123" caption="&amp;Reset"/>
<string id="61713" value="Пожалуйста, введите число."/>
<menuitem id="9124" caption="&amp;Delete"/>
<string id="61714" value="Пожалуйста, введите целое число между %1 и %2."/>
<string id="61715" value="Пожалуйста, введите число между %1 и %2."/>
<menuitem id="9125" caption="&amp;Name:"/>
<string id="61716" value="Пожалуйста, введите не более %1 символов."/>
<string id="61717" value="Пожалуйста, выберите кнопку."/>
<menuitem id="9126" caption="&amp;Copy Button Image"/>
<string id="61718" value="Пожалуйста, введите целое число между 0 и 255."/>
<menuitem id="9127" caption="&amp;Paste Button Image"/>
<string id="61719" value="Пожалуйста, введите натуральное число."/>
<menuitem id="9128" caption="Re&amp;set Button Image"/>
<string id="61720" value="Пожалуйста, введите дату и/или время."/>
<menuitem id="9129" caption="&amp;Edit Button Image..."/>
<string id="61721" value="Подалуйста, введите валюту."/>
<menuitem id="9130" caption="Change &amp;Button Image"/>
<string id="61722" value="Подалуйста, введите GUID."/>
<string id="61723" value="Подалуйста, введите время."/>
<menuitem id="9131" caption="Defa&amp;ult Style"/>
<string id="61724" value="Подалуйста, введите дату."/>
<menuitem id="9133" caption="&amp;Text Only"/>
<string id="61728" value="Неожиданный формат файла."/>
<menuitem id="9132" caption="Image &amp;and Text"/>
<string id="61729" value="%1\nНе удалось найти этот файл.\nПожалуйста, убедитесь, что имя файла и путь к нему введены верно."/>
<string id="61730" value="Диск назначения полный."/>
<menuitem id="9134" caption="Begin a &amp;Group"/>
<string id="61731" value="Не удалось прочесть данные из %1, - он открыт кем-то ещё."/>
<string id="61732" value="Не удалось записать данные в %1, - он только для чтения или открыт кем-то ещё."/>
<string id="61733" value="Произошла непредвиденная ошибка во время чтения %1."/>
<menu id="9316">
<string id="61734" value="Произошла непредвиденная ошибка во время записи %1."/>
<menuitem caption="RClickOutlookBar">
<string id="61744" value="%1: %2\nПродолжать выполнение скрипта?"/>
<menuitem id="9331" caption="S&amp;mall Icons"/>
<string id="61745" value="Исключение координации: %1"/>
<menuitem id="9330" caption="Lar&amp;ge Icons"/>
<string id="61836" value="Невозможно прочесть - только для записи."/>
<string id="61837" value="Невозможно записать - только для чтения."/>
<menuitem caption="RClickHexEdit">
<string id="61840" value="Не удалось загрузить поддержку почты."/>
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<string id="61863" value="%1 не может быть удалена, т.к. это текущая папка."/>
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<string id="61869" value="Диск заполнился во время доступа к %1."/>
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<string id="61870" value="Попытка доступа к данным файла %1 по адресу, который находится за его границами."/>
<string id="61872" value="Без ошибок."/>
<string id="61873" value="Неизвестная ошибка возникла во время доступа к %1."/>
<string id="61874" value="Совершена попытка записать в файл %1, открытый на чтение."/>
<menu id="9977">
<string id="61875" value="Попытка доступа к данным файла %1 по адресу, который находится за его границами.."/>
<menuitem caption="HF">
<string id="61876" value="Совершена попытка прочитать из файла %1, открытого на запись."/>
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<string id="61877" value="%1 имеет неверный формат."/>
<menuitem id="102" caption="&amp;&amp;D  Long date format"/>
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<menuitem id="104" caption="&amp;&amp;T  Time (24 hour)"/>
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<menuitem id="109" caption="&amp;&amp;w  Window Title"/>
<menuitem id="32807" caption="&amp;Настройки сервера..."/>
<menuitem id="110" caption="&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;  Ampersand (&amp;&amp;)"/>
<menuitem caption="&amp;Langauge">
<menuitem id="111" caption="\\n  New Line"/>
<menuitem id="32825" caption="Not Found"/>
<dialog id="129" caption="General" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 262, 222">
<menuitem id="32829" caption="Изменить &amp;пароль..."/>
<control id="216" caption="Summary" position="6, 16, 42, 12"/>
<menuitem id="32771" caption="&amp;Выйти"/>
<control id="163" caption="Client version:" position="18, 29, 92, 8"/>
<menuitem id="32773" caption="&amp;Закрыть"/>
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<control id="160" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 57, 152, 12"/>
<menuitem id="32774" caption="Добавить компьютер"/>
<control id="2101" caption="Network status" position="6, 76, 54, 12"/>
<menuitem id="32803" caption="Удалить компьютер"/>
<control id="167" caption="IP Address:" position="18, 89, 92, 12"/>
<control id="169" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 89, 152, 12"/>
<menuitem id="32775" caption="Создать категорию"/>
<control id="171" caption="Port:" position="18, 104, 92, 12"/>
<menuitem id="32776" caption="Редактировать категорию"/>
<control id="173" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 104, 152, 12"/>
<menuitem id="32777" caption="Удалить категорию"/>
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<control id="211" style="1342177296" position="41, 21, 221, 1"/>
<menuitem id="32816" caption="Проверить обновления..."/>
<control id="212" style="1342177296" position="64, 80, 198, 1"/>
<control caption="Server version:" position="18, 43, 92, 12"/>
<menuitem id="57664" caption="&amp;О программе..."/>
<control id="161" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 43, 152, 12"/>
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<control id="213" style="1342177296" position="73, 143, 189, 1"/>
<menu id="137">
<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Activate Product..." style="1342242816" position="170, 201, 85, 14"/>
<menuitem caption="КонтекстноеМенюИконкиТрея">
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<menuitem id="32784" caption="Выйти"/>
<control id="1134" caption="Edition:" position="18, 153, 92, 8"/>
<control id="1135" caption="product name" position="110, 153, 152, 8"/>
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<control id="1136" caption="computer license" position="110, 168, 152, 8"/>
<menuitem id="32824" caption="Скрыть иконку в трее"/>
<control id="1137" caption="expire information" position="110, 183, 152, 8"/>
<menuitem id="32819" caption="Отключиться &amp;&amp; Выйти"/>
<menuitem id="32786" caption="Закрыть"/>
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<menuitem id="32802" caption="Добавить этот компьютер"/>
<control id="209" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="82, 92, 50, 14"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Sign In" style="1342177287" position="6, 7, 199, 77"/>
<control id="152" caption="User name:" styleex="4096" position="8, 23, 49, 8"/>
<menu id="156">
<control id="153" caption="Password:" styleex="4096" position="8, 42, 49, 8"/>
<menuitem caption="КонтекстноеМенюКомпьютера">
<control id="157" caption="Log on to:" styleex="4096" position="8, 60, 49, 8"/>
<menuitem id="32803" caption="Удалить компьютер"/>
<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Connection..." style="1342242816" position="137, 92, 58, 14"/>
<dialog id="131" caption="User Accounts" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 310, 222">
<menu id="157">
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<menuitem id="32777" caption="Удалить категорию"/>
<control id="210" caption="User Accounts" position="0, 0, 310, 15"/>
<dialog id="132" caption="Computers" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 310, 222">
<menu id="177">
<control id="168" class="SysListView32" style="1350633485" position="0, 30, 310, 83"/>
<menuitem caption="&amp;Файл">
<control id="170" caption="Access control list:" position="0, 116, 309, 8"/>
<menuitem id="32817" caption="&amp;Соединение..."/>
<control id="174" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="156, 127, 154, 54"/>
<menuitem id="32807" caption="&amp;Опции..."/>
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<control id="206" caption="Title" position="4, 186, 306, 10"/>
<control id="207" caption="Body" position="4, 198, 306, 19"/>
<menuitem caption="&amp;Langauge">
<control id="210" caption="Computers" position="0, 0, 310, 15"/>
<menuitem id="32825" caption="Not Found"/>
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<menuitem caption="&amp;Справка">
<control id="1078" class="BUTTON" caption="Setup Domain" style="1342242816" position="191, 26, 59, 14"/>
<menuitem id="32783" caption="Оглавление"/>
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<menuitem id="32816" caption="Проверить обновления..."/>
<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Change Port" style="1342242816" position="191, 71, 59, 14"/>
<control id="175" class="BUTTON" caption="Enable UPnP (Universal Plug and Play)" style="1342308361" position="36, 97, 140, 10"/>
<menuitem id="57664" caption="&amp;О программе..."/>
<control id="177" class="BUTTON" caption="Setup port forwarding manually" style="1342177289" position="36, 109, 140, 10"/>
<control id="1079" class="BUTTON" caption="Restart" style="1342242816" position="191, 125, 59, 14"/>
<control id="1075" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="90, 27, 98, 14"/>
<menu id="9121">
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<menuitem id="9123" caption="&amp;Сброс"/>
<control id="179" caption="Listen port: " position="16, 71, 67, 12"/>
<menuitem id="9124" caption="&amp;Удалить"/>
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<control id="206" caption="Title" position="4, 186, 306, 10"/>
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<menuitem id="9126" caption="&amp;Копировать изображение кнопки"/>
<control id="212" style="1342177296" position="36, 65, 226, 1"/>
<menuitem id="9127" caption="&amp;Вставить изображение кнопки"/>
<control id="2102" caption="Domain" position="5, 16, 29, 12"/>
<menuitem id="9128" caption="&amp;Сбросить изображение кнопки"/>
<control id="211" style="1342177296" position="36, 20, 226, 1"/>
<menuitem id="9129" caption="&amp;Редактировать изображение кнопки..."/>
<control id="1074" caption="Current domain:" position="16, 29, 67, 8"/>
<menuitem id="9130" caption="Изменить изображение &amp;кнопки"/>
<control caption="Restart the server on this computer..." position="15, 127, 169, 8"/>
<control caption="Fresh the domain information manually..." position="16, 46, 172, 8"/>
<menuitem id="9131" caption="Стиль по &amp;умолчанию"/>
<control id="1120" class="BUTTON" caption="NAT Setting" style="1342177287" position="27, 85, 161, 38"/>
<menuitem id="9133" caption="&amp;Только текст"/>
<control id="1124" caption="DHCP" position="5, 144, 31, 8"/>
<menuitem id="9132" caption="Изображение &amp;и текст"/>
<control id="213" style="1342177296" position="36, 147, 222, 1"/>
<control caption="Subnet:" position="16, 155, 67, 8"/>
<menuitem id="9134" caption="Создать &amp;группу"/>
<control caption="Netmask:" position="16, 169, 67, 8"/>
<control id="1126" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="90, 152, 98, 12"/>
<control id="1119" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="90, 167, 98, 12"/>
<menu id="9316">
<control id="1127" class="BUTTON" caption="Change DHCP" style="1342242816" position="191, 152, 59, 14"/>
<menuitem caption="КонтекстноеМенюПанелиИнструментовOutlook">
<menuitem id="9331" caption="&amp;Маленькие иконки"/>
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<menuitem id="9330" caption="&amp;Большие иконки"/>
<control id="172" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="14, 25, 247, 55"/>
<control id="185" class="BUTTON" caption="Add..." style="1342242816" position="159, 84, 50, 14"/>
<menuitem caption="КонтекстноеМенюHexРедактирования">
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<menuitem id="57635" caption="Вы&amp;резать"/>
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<menuitem id="57634" caption="&amp;Копировать"/>
<control id="193" class="BUTTON" caption="Edit..." style="1342242816" position="211, 178, 50, 14"/>
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<control id="194" class="BUTTON" caption="Delete" style="1342242816" position="211, 196, 50, 14"/>
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<control id="214" class="BUTTON" caption="Off (not recommended)" style="1342177289" position="14, 227, 210, 10"/>
<control id="200" class="BUTTON" caption="Ok" style="1342242817" position="164, 273, 50, 14"/>
<menuitem id="57642" caption="Выделить &amp;всё"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="218, 273, 50, 14"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="User List" style="1342177287" position="7, 3, 261, 100"/>
<menuitem caption="КонтекстноеМенюЗаголовка">
<control id="184" caption="Users who are allowed to access the computer:" position="14, 15, 152, 8"/>
<menuitem id="9325" caption="Сортировать по возрастанию"/>
<control id="189" caption="This setting blocks all outside sources from connecting to this computer, with the following exceptions." position="24, 137, 237, 19"/>
<menuitem id="9326" caption="Сортировать по убыванию"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Firewall" style="1342177287" position="7, 106, 261, 160"/>
<control caption="Avoid using this setting. Turning off firewall may make this computer more vulnerable." position="24, 241, 237, 18"/>
<menuitem caption="Выравнивание">
<menuitem id="9327" caption="Выравнивание по левому краю"/>
<dialog id="136" caption="Add a Port" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 234, 124">
<menuitem id="9328" caption="Выравнивание по центру"/>
<control id="196" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="65, 27, 151, 14"/>
<menuitem id="9329" caption="Выравнивание по правому краю"/>
<control id="197" class="BUTTON" caption="TCP" style="1342308361" position="65, 58, 29, 10"/>
<control id="198" class="BUTTON" caption="UDP" style="1342177289" position="141, 58, 29, 10"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="122, 103, 50, 14"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="177, 103, 50, 14"/>
<menu id="9977">
<control caption="Port number:" position="16, 30, 43, 8"/>
<menuitem caption="ФД">
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<menuitem id="101" caption="&amp;&amp;d  Короткая дата"/>
<control caption="Protocol:" position="16, 58, 30, 8"/>
<menuitem id="102" caption="&amp;&amp;D  Длинная дата"/>
<dialog id="137" caption="Add a User" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 201, 164">
<menuitem id="103" caption="&amp;&amp;t  Время"/>
<control id="172" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728833" position="15, 21, 171, 107"/>
<menuitem id="104" caption="&amp;&amp;T  Время (24 часа)"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="90, 143, 50, 14"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="144, 143, 50, 14"/>
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<menuitem id="106" caption="&amp;&amp;P  Число страниц"/>
<dialog id="138" caption="Add a Service" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 228, 198">
<menuitem id="108" caption="&amp;&amp;b  Слева &amp;&amp;b По центру &amp;&amp;b Справа"/>
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<control id="174" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="14, 51, 199, 94"/>
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<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Add..." style="1342242816" position="59, 149, 50, 14"/>
<menuitem id="110" caption="&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;  Амперсанд (&amp;&amp;)"/>
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<control resource="128" style="1342177283" position="14, 14, 21, 20"/>
<control id="1069" caption="Name:" position="15, 20, 22, 8"/>
<control id="1024" style="1342308480" position="42, 15, 186, 8"/>
<control id="1071" caption="Ports associated with the service:" position="15, 39, 109, 8"/>
<control id="1026" position="42, 56, 186, 8"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Хорошо" style="1342373889" position="178, 72, 50, 16"/>
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<control id="1025" position="42, 36, 186, 8"/>
<control id="155" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 24, 133, 14"/>
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<control id="1013" class="SysTreeView32" style="1350631424" styleex="32" position="0, 0, 135, 100"/>
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<control id="1010" style="1342308608" position="0, 103, 135, 27"/>
<control caption="New password:" position="14, 27, 68, 8"/>
<control caption="Confirm password:" position="14, 48, 68, 8"/>
<dialog id="131" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1074266184" position="0, 0, 133, 220">
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Set Password" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 213, 70"/>
<control id="1001" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344340290" position="6, 70, 119, 30"/>
<control id="1003" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="6, 96, 119, 14"/>
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<control id="1005" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344340290" position="6, 124, 119, 30"/>
<control id="146" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="82, 18, 159, 14"/>
<control id="1006" class="BUTTON" caption="Запомнить мой пароль" style="1342242819" position="6, 142, 119, 10"/>
<control id="156" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="82, 38, 159, 14"/>
<control id="1007" class="BUTTON" caption="Авторизоваться автоматически" style="1342242819" position="6, 152, 119, 10"/>
<control id="182" class="BUTTON" caption="Administrator" style="1342308361" position="82, 60, 59, 10"/>
<control id="1027" class="BUTTON" caption="Запускать после входа в систему" style="1342242819" position="6, 163, 119, 10"/>
<control id="183" class="BUTTON" caption="User" style="1342177289" position="169, 60, 67, 10"/>
<control id="1008" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Войти" style="1342242817" position="41, 182, 50, 14"/>
<control id="181" class="BUTTON" caption="Enabled" style="1342242819" position="82, 81, 41, 10"/>
<control id="1000" caption="Пользователь:" position="6, 59, 119, 8"/>
<control id="202" class="BUTTON" caption="Change Password..." style="1342242816" position="82, 102, 84, 14"/>
<control id="1002" caption="Пароль:" position="6, 86, 119, 8"/>
<control id="1065" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 100, 159, 14"/>
<control id="1004" caption="Войти в:" position="6, 113, 119, 8"/>
<control id="161" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 119, 159, 14"/>
<control id="1028" position="42, 3, 51, 44"/>
<control id="200" class="BUTTON" caption="Ok" style="1342242817" position="131, 146, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1069" style="1342308353" position="6, 85, 119, 8"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="195, 146, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1009" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Отмена" style="1342242816" position="41, 115, 50, 14"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="User Account" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 238, 133"/>
<control id="1010" caption="Ход..." position="18, 99, 96, 5"/>
<control id="152" caption="User name:" position="14, 22, 68, 8"/>
<control id="154" caption="Full name:" position="14, 41, 68, 8"/>
<dialog id="150" caption="Добавить новую категорию" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 210, 116">
<control id="1016" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="76, 32, 120, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Хорошо" style="1342242817" position="98, 95, 50, 14"/>
<control id="162" caption="Account status:" position="14, 81, 68, 8"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отмена" style="1342242816" position="153, 95, 50, 14"/>
<control id="164" caption="Account type:" position="14, 60, 68, 8"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Информация о категории" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 196, 76"/>
<control id="1064" caption="Password:" position="14, 103, 68, 8"/>
<control caption="Имя категории:" position="17, 34, 58, 8"/>
<control id="159" caption="Confirm password:" position="14, 122, 68, 8"/>
<dialog id="151" caption="Редактировать категорию" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 189, 118">
<dialog id="152" caption="Change Port" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 212, 116">
<control id="1017" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="7, 18, 175, 14"/>
<control id="1080" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="79, 33, 113, 14"/>
<control id="1018" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="7, 58, 175, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="96, 95, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Хорошо" style="1342242817" position="79, 97, 50, 14"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="155, 95, 50, 14"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отмена" style="1342242816" position="132, 97, 50, 14"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Server listen port" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 198, 78"/>
<control caption="Старое имя категории:" position="7, 7, 175, 8"/>
<control caption="Port number:" position="19, 35, 43, 8"/>
<control caption="Новое имя категории:" position="7, 47, 175, 8"/>
<dialog id="152" caption="Добавить этот компьютер" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 198, 158">
<dialog id="153" caption="Setup Domain" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 256, 134">
<control id="1019" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="14, 19, 169, 104"/>
<control id="1075" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="98, 27, 143, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Хорошо" style="1342242817" position="85, 137, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1084" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="98, 46, 143, 14"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отмена" style="1342242816" position="141, 137, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1085" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="98, 65, 143, 14"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Категории" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 184, 125"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="141, 113, 50, 14"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="197, 113, 50, 14"/>
<dialog id="153" caption="Добавить компьютер" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 272, 130">
<control caption="Type the NeoRouter domain name and password for the server." position="7, 7, 240, 14"/>
<control id="1020" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="6, 15, 259, 108"/>
<control id="1074" caption="Domain name:" position="17, 30, 71, 8"/>
<control caption="Выберите компьютер:" position="6, 3, 255, 8"/>
<control caption="Domain password:" position="17, 49, 71, 8"/>
<dialog id="154" caption="Добавить компьютер" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 272, 130">
<control caption="Confirm password:" position="17, 67, 71, 8"/>
<control id="1019" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="6, 15, 259, 108"/>
<control id="1121" caption="Forgot password?" position="98, 84, 143, 8"/>
<control caption="Выберите категорию:" position="6, 3, 259, 8"/>
<control id="1122" caption="Create a new domain..." position="7, 119, 119, 8"/>
<dialog id="171" caption="Менеджер аддонов" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 301, 222">
<dialog id="155" caption="Rename Domain" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 203, 115">
<control id="1034" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728929" position="7, 36, 287, 160"/>
<control id="1088" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="23, 21, 153, 14"/>
<control id="1053" class="BUTTON" caption="Установить..." style="1342242816" position="189, 201, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1089" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="23, 61, 153, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Закрыть" style="1342242817" position="244, 201, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="89, 94, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1036" caption="Просмотр и управление аддонами, установленными на Вашем компьютере." position="7, 7, 287, 11"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="146, 94, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1035" caption="Панель инструментов" position="7, 20, 287, 14"/>
<control caption="Old domain name:" position="23, 7, 153, 11"/>
<control id="1055" caption="Галерея аддонов" position="7, 207, 80, 8"/>
<control caption="New domain name:" position="23, 49, 153, 8"/>
<dialog id="173" caption="Свойства аддонов" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 265, 183">
<dialog id="156" caption="Change Domain Password" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 227, 108">
<control id="1037" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="59, 14, 199, 12"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="116, 87, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1039" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="59, 44, 185, 12"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="170, 87, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1044" class="BUTTON" caption="..." style="1342242816" position="245, 44, 13, 14"/>
<control id="155" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 24, 133, 14"/>
<control id="1041" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="59, 63, 199, 12"/>
<control id="161" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 46, 133, 14"/>
<control id="1052" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="59, 81, 199, 30"/>
<control caption="New password:" position="14, 27, 68, 8"/>
<control id="1043" class="BUTTON" caption="Изменить иконку..." style="1342242816" position="59, 102, 56, 14"/>
<control caption="Confirm password:" position="14, 48, 68, 8"/>
<control id="1045" class="BUTTON" caption="Импорт..." style="1342242816" position="117, 102, 56, 14"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Set Domain Password" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 213, 70"/>
<control id="1046" class="BUTTON" caption="Экспорт..." style="1342242816" position="175, 102, 56, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Хорошо" style="1342242817" position="155, 162, 50, 14"/>
<dialog id="158" caption="Connections" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 262, 222">
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отмена" style="1342242816" position="208, 162, 50, 14"/>
<control id="198" class="BUTTON" caption="Create a direct peer-to-peer UDP connection" style="1342308361" position="14, 28, 238, 10"/>
<control id="1009" style="1342177283" position="7, 10, 21, 20"/>
<control id="197" class="BUTTON" caption="Create a direct peer-to-peer TCP connection" style="1342177289" position="14, 51, 238, 10"/>
<control style="1342177296" position="7, 36, 251, 1"/>
<control id="199" class="BUTTON" caption="Relay through server" style="1342177289" position="14, 83, 238, 10"/>
<control caption="Команда:" position="7, 44, 48, 8"/>
<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Apply" style="1342242816" position="202, 116, 50, 14"/>
<control caption="Комментарий:" position="7, 63, 48, 8"/>
<control id="210" caption="Connections" position="0, 0, 262, 15"/>
<control caption="Тип запуска:" position="7, 81, 48, 8"/>
<control id="205" style="1342177298" styleex="32" position="0, 182, 262, 40"/>
<control id="206" caption="Title" position="4, 186, 306, 10"/>
<dialog id="175" caption="Редактировать команду" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 278, 214">
<control id="207" caption="Body" position="4, 198, 306, 19"/>
<control id="1047" class="EDIT" style="1350631808" position="59, 30, 198, 14"/>
<control id="1094" caption="This option is recommended for most home users. " position="30, 39, 222, 11"/>
<control id="1050" class="BUTTON" caption="..." style="1342242816" position="258, 30, 13, 14"/>
<control id="1095" caption="If your router or firewall block UDP packets or your network is not stable, choose this option. " position="30, 61, 222, 18"/>
<control id="1048" class="EDIT" style="1350631808" position="59, 50, 212, 14"/>
<control id="1096" caption="Force clients to use server to relay data. This option is useful when your network is not stable or your router uses special MTU value." position="30, 93, 222, 21"/>
<control id="1049" class="SysListView32" style="1350633485" position="7, 81, 264, 107"/>
<control id="216" caption="Client-to-Client Connection" position="4, 17, 103, 12"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Хорошо" style="1342242817" position="167, 193, 50, 14"/>
<control id="211" style="1342177296" position="110, 22, 146, 1"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отмена" style="1342242816" position="221, 193, 50, 14"/>
<control caption="Internet Connection" style="1073872896" position="4, 137, 68, 8"/>
<control caption="Объект:" position="7, 30, 46, 8"/>
<control id="212" style="1073741840" position="73, 142, 181, 1"/>
<control caption="Параметры:" position="7, 50, 46, 8"/>
<control caption="Configure how NeoRouter connects to the Internet" style="1073872896" position="30, 153, 171, 8"/>
<control caption="Переменные:" position="7, 70, 46, 8"/>
<control id="1116" class="BUTTON" caption="Settings..." style="1073807360" position="202, 151, 50, 14"/>
<control caption="Вы можете использовать следующие переменные в команде. Выберите и дважды кликните по переменной, чтобы добавить её в команду." position="7, 7, 264, 22"/>
<dialog id="176" caption="Проверить обновления - NeoRouter" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 236, 134">
<dialog id="159" caption="Internet Connection Settings" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 244, 172">
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Хорошо" style="1342242817" position="90, 113, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1097" class="BUTTON" caption="No Proxy" style="1342373897" position="13, 20, 217, 10"/>
<control resource="128" style="1342177283" position="14, 14, 20, 20"/>
<control id="1098" class="BUTTON" caption="Manual proxy configuration:" style="1342242825" position="13, 33, 217, 10"/>
<control caption="Последняя проверка:" position="47, 14, 74, 9"/>
<control id="1113" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344340227" position="77, 47, 153, 30"/>
<control caption="Проверять обновления:" position="47, 28, 74, 8"/>
<control id="1114" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="77, 66, 101, 14"/>
<control id="1058" caption="Еженедельно" position="121, 28, 108, 8"/>
<control id="1101" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="204, 66, 26, 14"/>
<control id="1057" position="121, 14, 108, 8"/>
<control id="1103" class="BUTTON" caption="Authentication" style="1342242819" position="23, 89, 70, 10"/>
<control caption="Ваша версия:" position="47, 42, 74, 8"/>
<control id="146" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="77, 103, 153, 14"/>
<control caption="Последняя версия:" position="47, 55, 74, 8"/>
<control id="155" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="77, 121, 153, 14"/>
<control id="1059" position="121, 42, 108, 8"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="133, 151, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1060" position="121, 55, 108, 8"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="187, 151, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1061" caption="Нажмите сюда, чтобы попасть на страницу с обновлением" style="1342308353" position="7, 98, 222, 8"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Configure Proxies to Access the Internet" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 230, 139"/>
<control id="1056" position="47, 72, 182, 18"/>
<control caption="Server Name:" position="23, 68, 47, 8"/>
<control caption="Port:" position="183, 69, 17, 8"/>
<dialog id="178" caption="Настройки интернет-соединения" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 244, 172">
<control caption="Protocol:" position="23, 49, 47, 8"/>
<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Без прокси" style="1342373897" position="13, 20, 217, 10"/>
<control caption="Password:" position="36, 124, 34, 8"/>
<control id="1063" class="BUTTON" caption="Ручная конфигурация прокси:" style="1342242825" position="13, 33, 217, 10"/>
<control caption="User Name:" position="32, 106, 38, 8"/>
<control id="1066" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344340227" position="77, 47, 153, 30"/>
<control id="1064" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="77, 66, 101, 14"/>
<dialog id="160" caption="Edit Computer" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 189, 118">
<control id="1065" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="204, 66, 26, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="79, 97, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1027" class="BUTTON" caption="Аутентификация" style="1342242819" position="23, 89, 70, 10"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="132, 97, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1001" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="77, 103, 153, 14"/>
<control caption="Computer Name:" position="7, 7, 175, 8"/>
<control id="1003" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="77, 121, 153, 14"/>
<control id="1118" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="7, 18, 175, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Хорошо" style="1342242817" position="133, 151, 50, 14"/>
<control caption="Alias:" position="7, 47, 175, 8"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отмена" style="1342242816" position="187, 151, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1119" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="7, 58, 175, 14"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Настроить прокси для выхода в интернет" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 230, 139"/>
<control caption="Сервер:" position="23, 68, 47, 8"/>
<dialog id="161" caption="DHCP Settings" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 203, 98">
<control caption="Порт:" position="183, 69, 17, 8"/>
<control id="1126" class="SysIPAddress32" style="1342242816" position="71, 22, 100, 15"/>
<control caption="Протокол:" position="23, 49, 47, 8"/>
<control id="1119" class="SysIPAddress32" style="1342242816" position="71, 48, 100, 15"/>
<control caption="Пароль:" position="36, 124, 34, 8"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="91, 77, 50, 14"/>
<control caption="Имя пользователя:" position="32, 106, 38, 8"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="146, 77, 50, 14"/>
<control caption="Subnet:" position="31, 26, 26, 8"/>
<dialog id="180" caption="Изменить пароль" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 233, 121">
<control caption="Netmask:" position="31, 52, 31, 8"/>
<control id="1073" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="98, 23, 121, 14"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Settings" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 189, 66"/>
<control id="1074" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="98, 43, 121, 14"/>
<control id="1067" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="98, 64, 121, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Хорошо" style="1342242817" position="119, 100, 50, 14"/>
<dialog id="162" caption="Product Activation" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 259, 123">
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отмена" style="1342242816" position="176, 100, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="144, 102, 50, 14"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Изменить текущий пароль пользователя" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 219, 85"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="202, 102, 50, 14"/>
<control caption="Старый пароль:" position="15, 25, 79, 8"/>
<control id="1138" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="35, 55, 187, 14"/>
<control caption="Новый пароль:" position="15, 46, 79, 8"/>
<control caption="To activate the product please enter your product key. You will have received this with invoice when you purchased the software." position="17, 23, 235, 24"/>
<control caption="Ещё раз новый пароль:" position="15, 67, 79, 8"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Product Key" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 245, 87"/>
<dialog id="9114" caption="&amp;Меню" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">
<dialog id="9114" caption="&amp;Menus" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">
<control id="100" caption="Меню приложения" position="4, 5, 222, 8"/>
<control id="100" caption="Application Menus" position="4, 5, 222, 8"/>
<control id="101" caption="Контекстные меню" position="4, 80, 222, 8"/>
<control id="101" caption="Context Menus" position="4, 80, 222, 8"/>
<control caption="&amp;Показать меню:" position="10, 20, 44, 11"/>
<control caption="&amp;Show Menu:" position="10, 20, 44, 11"/>
<control id="102" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="54, 18, 159, 79"/>
<control id="102" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="54, 18, 159, 79"/>
<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="Сброс" style="1342242816" position="10, 57, 70, 14"/>
<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="Reset" style="1342242816" position="10, 57, 70, 14"/>
<control id="106" caption="Меню по-умолчанию\nМеню приложения по-умолчанию" position="37, 34, 181, 18"/>
<control id="106" caption="Default menu\nDefault application menu" position="37, 34, 181, 18"/>
<control id="107" resource="0" style="1342177283" position="10, 32, 21, 20"/>
<control id="107" resource="0" style="1342177283" position="10, 32, 21, 20"/>
<control caption="Выберите &amp;контекстное меню:" position="10, 92, 68, 10"/>
<control caption="Select &amp;context menu:" position="10, 92, 68, 10"/>
<control id="104" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="83, 90, 130, 79"/>
<control id="104" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="83, 90, 130, 79"/>
<control id="105" class="BUTTON" caption="Сброс" style="1342242816" position="10, 108, 70, 14"/>
<control id="105" class="BUTTON" caption="Reset" style="1342242816" position="10, 108, 70, 14"/>
<dialog id="9115" caption="Редактор кнопок" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-1865940792" position="0, 0, 253, 185">
<dialog id="9115" caption="Button Editor" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-1865940792" position="0, 0, 253, 185">
<control caption="Изображение" position="7, 7, 86, 8"/>
<control caption="Picture" position="7, 7, 86, 8"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Цвета" style="1342177287" position="102, 106, 80, 71"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Colors" style="1342177287" position="102, 106, 80, 71"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Переместить" style="1342177287" position="101, 72, 81, 31"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Move" style="1342177287" position="101, 72, 81, 31"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Предпросмотр" style="1342177287" position="7, 106, 86, 71"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Preview" style="1342177287" position="7, 106, 86, 71"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Инструменты" style="1342177287" position="101, 9, 81, 60"/>
<control class="BUTTON" caption="Tools" style="1342177287" position="101, 9, 81, 60"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Хорошо" style="1342242817" position="193, 7, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="193, 7, 50, 14"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отмена" style="1342242816" position="193, 25, 50, 14"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="193, 25, 50, 14"/>
<control id="100" style="1342177543" position="7, 17, 86, 80"/>
<control id="100" style="1342177543" position="7, 17, 86, 80"/>
Line 1,393: Line 1,439:
<control id="101" style="1342308865" styleex="131072" position="14, 117, 73, 54"/>
<control id="101" style="1342308865" styleex="131072" position="14, 117, 73, 54"/>
<control caption="Прозрачный" position="135, 156, 42, 8"/>
<control caption="Transparent" position="135, 156, 42, 8"/>
<control id="105" style="1342308608" position="116, 153, 15, 15"/>
<control id="105" style="1342308608" position="116, 153, 15, 15"/>
<control id="103" caption="Инструменты" style="1082262017" position="112, 21, 60, 43"/>
<control id="103" caption="Tools" style="1082262017" position="112, 21, 60, 43"/>
<control id="104" caption="Переместить" style="1082262017" position="111, 83, 62, 12"/>
<control id="104" caption="Move" style="1082262017" position="111, 83, 62, 12"/>
<control id="106" style="1342308620" position="109, 144, 15, 15"/>
<control id="106" style="1342308620" position="109, 144, 15, 15"/>
<control id="102" caption="Цвета" style="1082262017" position="107, 121, 68, 12"/>
<control id="102" caption="Colors" style="1082262017" position="107, 121, 68, 12"/>
<dialog id="9116" caption="&amp;Клавиатура" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">
<dialog id="9116" caption="&amp;Keyboard" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">
<control caption="Кате&amp;гория:" position="4, 5, 89, 8"/>
<control caption="Cate&amp;gory:" position="4, 5, 89, 8"/>
<control id="100" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="4, 15, 91, 147"/>
<control id="100" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="4, 15, 91, 147"/>
<control id="101" caption="Ко&amp;манды:" position="4, 28, 89, 8"/>
<control id="101" caption="Co&amp;mmands:" position="4, 28, 89, 8"/>
<control id="102" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728897" position="4, 38, 91, 77"/>
<control id="102" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728897" position="4, 38, 91, 77"/>
<control id="103" caption="&amp;Сочетания клавиш:" position="100, 28, 73, 8"/>
<control id="103" caption="K&amp;ey assignments:" position="100, 28, 73, 8"/>
<control id="104" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728897" position="100, 38, 75, 51"/>
<control id="104" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728897" position="100, 38, 75, 51"/>
<control id="105" caption="Нажмите &amp;новую горячую клавишу:" position="100, 93, 100, 8"/>
<control id="105" caption="Press &amp;new shortcut key:" position="100, 93, 100, 8"/>
<control id="106" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="100, 103, 75, 12"/>
<control id="106" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="100, 103, 75, 12"/>
<control id="107" class="BUTTON" caption="На&amp;значить" style="1342242816" position="179, 39, 49, 14"/>
<control id="107" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Assign" style="1342242816" position="179, 39, 49, 14"/>
<control id="108" class="BUTTON" caption="У&amp;далить" style="1342242816" position="179, 56, 49, 14"/>
<control id="108" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Remove" style="1342242816" position="179, 56, 49, 14"/>
<control id="109" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Сбросить всё" style="1342242816" position="179, 73, 49, 14"/>
<control id="109" class="BUTTON" caption="Re&amp;set All" style="1342242816" position="179, 73, 49, 14"/>
<control id="110" caption="Описание:" position="4, 117, 89, 8"/>
<control id="110" caption="Description:" position="4, 117, 89, 8"/>
<control id="111" styleex="131072" position="4, 127, 171, 19"/>
<control id="111" styleex="131072" position="4, 127, 171, 19"/>
Line 1,437: Line 1,483:
<dialog id="9117" caption="Панели &amp;инструментов" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">
<dialog id="9117" caption="Tool&amp;bars" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">
<control caption="&amp;Панели инструментов:" position="4, 5, 148, 8"/>
<control caption="Toolb&amp;ars:" position="4, 5, 148, 8"/>
<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728913" position="4, 15, 150, 131"/>
<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728913" position="4, 15, 150, 131"/>
<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Создать..." style="1342242816" position="158, 15, 70, 14"/>
<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;New..." style="1342242816" position="158, 15, 70, 14"/>
<control id="102" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Переименовать..." style="1342242816" position="158, 33, 70, 14"/>
<control id="102" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Rename..." style="1342242816" position="158, 33, 70, 14"/>
<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="У&amp;далить" style="1342242816" position="158, 51, 70, 14"/>
<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Delete" style="1342242816" position="158, 51, 70, 14"/>
<control id="104" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Сбросить..." style="1342242816" position="158, 69, 70, 14"/>
<control id="104" class="BUTTON" caption="R&amp;eset..." style="1342242816" position="158, 69, 70, 14"/>
<dialog id="9118" caption="&amp;Настройки" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">
<dialog id="9118" caption="&amp;Options" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">
<control id="108" caption="Персональные меню и панели инструментов" position="4, 5, 222, 8"/>
<control id="108" caption="Personalized Menus and Toolbars" position="4, 5, 222, 8"/>
<control id="100" class="BUTTON" caption="Всегда показывать &amp;развёрнутые меню" style="1342242819" position="10, 17, 216, 10"/>
<control id="100" class="BUTTON" caption="Always show full me&amp;nus" style="1342242819" position="10, 17, 216, 10"/>
<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="Показывать развёрнутые меню после небольшой &amp;задержки" style="1342242819" position="22, 29, 204, 10"/>
<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="Show full menus after a short &amp;delay" style="1342242819" position="22, 29, 204, 10"/>
<control id="102" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Сбросить статистику использования меню и панелей инструментов" style="1342242816" position="10, 42, 125, 14"/>
<control id="102" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Reset menu and toolbar usage data" style="1342242816" position="10, 42, 125, 14"/>
<control id="107" caption="Другие" position="4, 70, 222, 8"/>
<control id="107" caption="Other" position="4, 70, 222, 8"/>
<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Большие иконки" style="1342242819" position="10, 82, 216, 10"/>
<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Large icons" style="1342242819" position="10, 82, 216, 10"/>
<control id="104" class="BUTTON" caption="Показывать всплывающие &amp;подсказки над панелями инструментов" style="1342242819" position="10, 93, 216, 10"/>
<control id="104" class="BUTTON" caption="Show Screen&amp;Tips on toolbars" style="1342242819" position="10, 93, 216, 10"/>
<control id="105" class="BUTTON" caption="Показывать &amp;горячие клавиши в подсказках" style="1342242819" position="22, 104, 204, 10"/>
<control id="105" class="BUTTON" caption="Show s&amp;hortcut keys in ScreenTips" style="1342242819" position="22, 104, 204, 10"/>
<control caption="&amp;Анимация меню:" position="10, 117, 56, 8"/>
<control caption="&amp;Menu animations:" position="10, 117, 56, 8"/>
<control id="106" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="70, 115, 79, 65"/>
<control id="106" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="70, 115, 79, 65"/>
Line 1,477: Line 1,523:
<dialog id="9119" caption="&amp;Команды" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">
<dialog id="9119" caption="&amp;Commands" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">
<control caption="Чтобы добавить команду в панель инструментов: выберите категорию и перетащите команду из диалогового окна на панель инструментов." position="4, 5, 220, 19"/>
<control caption="To add a command to a toolbar: select a category and drag the command out of this dialog box to a toolbar." position="4, 5, 220, 19"/>
<control caption="Кате&amp;гории:" position="4, 25, 80, 8"/>
<control caption="Cate&amp;gories:" position="4, 25, 80, 8"/>
<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728833" position="4, 35, 81, 111"/>
<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728833" position="4, 35, 81, 111"/>
<control caption="Коман&amp;ды:" position="90, 25, 134, 8"/>
<control caption="Comman&amp;ds:" position="90, 25, 134, 8"/>
<control id="101" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728849" position="90, 35, 135, 111"/>
<control id="101" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728849" position="90, 35, 135, 111"/>
Line 1,491: Line 1,537:
<dialog id="9120" caption="Создать панель инструментов" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 186, 52">
<dialog id="9120" caption="New Toolbar" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 186, 52">
<control caption="&amp;Название панели инструментов:" position="4, 4, 178, 8"/>
<control caption="&amp;Toolbar name:" position="4, 4, 178, 8"/>
<control id="100" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="4, 15, 178, 12"/>
<control id="100" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="4, 15, 178, 12"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Хорошо" style="1342242817" position="78, 34, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="78, 34, 50, 14"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отмена" style="1342242816" position="132, 34, 50, 14"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="132, 34, 50, 14"/>
<dialog id="9312" caption="Подсказка дня" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 279, 157">
<dialog id="9312" caption="Tip of the Day" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 279, 157">
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Закрыть" style="1342242817" position="221, 136, 50, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Close" style="1342242817" position="221, 136, 50, 14"/>
<control id="100" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Показывать подсказки при запуске" style="1342242819" position="7, 140, 120, 10"/>
<control id="100" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Show tips at startup" style="1342242819" position="7, 140, 120, 10"/>
<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Следующая подсказка" style="1342242816" position="162, 136, 50, 14"/>
<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Next Tip" style="1342242816" position="162, 136, 50, 14"/>
<control id="102" style="1073741832" position="8, 7, 263, 123"/>
<control id="102" style="1073741832" position="8, 7, 263, 123"/>
Line 1,515: Line 1,561:
<dialog id="9313" caption="Особый" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1321205832" position="0, 0, 147, 161">
<dialog id="9313" caption="Custom" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1321205832" position="0, 0, 147, 161">
<control id="100" caption="&amp;Цвета:" position="2, 4, 43, 10"/>
<control id="100" caption="&amp;Colors:" position="2, 4, 43, 10"/>
<control id="101" style="1342242823" position="3, 15, 119, 86"/>
<control id="101" style="1342242823" position="3, 15, 119, 86"/>
Line 1,523: Line 1,569:
<control id="102" style="1342242823" position="126, 15, 20, 86"/>
<control id="102" style="1342242823" position="126, 15, 20, 86"/>
<control id="104" caption="&amp;Оттенок:" position="7, 108, 18, 8"/>
<control id="104" caption="&amp;Hue:" position="7, 108, 18, 8"/>
<control id="115" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="25, 106, 33, 13"/>
<control id="115" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="25, 106, 33, 13"/>
Line 1,541: Line 1,587:
<control id="117" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin3" style="1342177318" position="49, 137, 10, 14"/>
<control id="117" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin3" style="1342177318" position="49, 137, 10, 14"/>
<control id="107" caption="&amp;Красный:" position="65, 108, 23, 8"/>
<control id="107" caption="&amp;Red:" position="65, 108, 23, 8"/>
<control id="110" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="89, 106, 33, 13"/>
<control id="110" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="89, 106, 33, 13"/>
Line 1,547: Line 1,593:
<control id="119" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin1" style="1342177318" position="113, 105, 11, 14"/>
<control id="119" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin1" style="1342177318" position="113, 105, 11, 14"/>
<control id="108" caption="&amp;Зелёный:" position="65, 125, 23, 8"/>
<control id="108" caption="&amp;Green:" position="65, 125, 23, 8"/>
<control id="111" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="89, 122, 33, 13"/>
<control id="111" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="89, 122, 33, 13"/>
Line 1,553: Line 1,599:
<control id="120" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin2" style="1342177318" position="113, 122, 11, 14"/>
<control id="120" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin2" style="1342177318" position="113, 122, 11, 14"/>
<control id="109" caption="&amp;Голубой:" position="65, 140, 23, 8"/>
<control id="109" caption="&amp;Blue:" position="65, 140, 23, 8"/>
<control id="118" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="89, 138, 33, 13"/>
<control id="118" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="89, 138, 33, 13"/>
Line 1,561: Line 1,607:
<dialog id="9314" caption="Образец" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1321205832" position="0, 0, 147, 161">
<dialog id="9314" caption="Standard" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1321205832" position="0, 0, 147, 161">
<control id="100" caption="&amp;Цвета:" position="2, 4, 43, 10"/>
<control id="100" caption="&amp;Colors:" position="2, 4, 43, 10"/>
<control id="103" style="1342242823" position="0, 15, 147, 145"/>
<control id="103" style="1342242823" position="0, 15, 147, 145"/>
Line 1,569: Line 1,615:
<dialog id="9315" caption="Расположение окон" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-1865678776" position="0, 0, 301, 164">
<dialog id="9315" caption="Arrange Windows" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-1865678776" position="0, 0, 301, 164">
<control caption="&amp;Выбор окна:" position="7, 7, 147, 8"/>
<control caption="Select &amp;Window:" position="7, 7, 147, 8"/>
<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1353779539" position="7, 17, 216, 140"/>
<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1353779539" position="7, 17, 216, 140"/>
<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Активировать" style="1342242816" position="233, 7, 62, 14"/>
<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Activate" style="1342242816" position="233, 7, 62, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Хорошо" style="1342242816" position="233, 24, 62, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;OK" style="1342242816" position="233, 24, 62, 14"/>
<control id="105" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Сохранить" style="1342242816" position="233, 41, 62, 14"/>
<control id="105" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Save" style="1342242816" position="233, 41, 62, 14"/>
<control id="104" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Закрыть окно" style="1342242816" position="233, 58, 62, 14"/>
<control id="104" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Close Window" style="1342242816" position="233, 58, 62, 14"/>
<control id="102" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Каскадом" style="1342242816" position="233, 75, 62, 14"/>
<control id="102" class="BUTTON" caption="Casca&amp;de" style="1342242816" position="233, 75, 62, 14"/>
<control id="106" class="BUTTON" caption="Замостить &amp;горизонтально" style="1342242816" position="233, 92, 62, 14"/>
<control id="106" class="BUTTON" caption="Tile &amp;Horizontally" style="1342242816" position="233, 92, 62, 14"/>
<control id="107" class="BUTTON" caption="Замостить &amp;вертикально" style="1342242816" position="233, 109, 62, 14"/>
<control id="107" class="BUTTON" caption="Tile &amp;Vertically" style="1342242816" position="233, 109, 62, 14"/>
<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Минимизировать" style="1342242816" position="233, 126, 62, 14"/>
<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="Minimi&amp;ze" style="1342242816" position="233, 126, 62, 14"/>
Line 1,595: Line 1,641:
<dialog id="9976" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1073741892" position="0, 0, 392, 16">
<dialog id="9976" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1073741892" position="0, 0, 392, 16">
<control id="58116" class="BUTTON" caption="Пе&amp;чать..." style="1342275584" position="2, 2, 44, 12"/>
<control id="58116" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Print..." style="1342275584" position="2, 2, 44, 12"/>
<control id="58114" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Следующая страница" style="1342275584" position="48, 2, 44, 12"/>
<control id="58114" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Next Page" style="1342275584" position="48, 2, 44, 12"/>
<control id="58115" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Предыдущая страница" style="1342275584" position="94, 2, 44, 12"/>
<control id="58115" class="BUTTON" caption="Pre&amp;v Page" style="1342275584" position="94, 2, 44, 12"/>
<control id="58113" class="BUTTON" style="1342275584" position="140, 2, 44, 12"/>
<control id="58113" class="BUTTON" style="1342275584" position="140, 2, 44, 12"/>
<control id="58117" class="BUTTON" caption="У&amp;величить" style="1342275584" position="186, 2, 44, 12"/>
<control id="58117" class="BUTTON" caption="Zoom &amp;In" style="1342275584" position="186, 2, 44, 12"/>
<control id="58118" class="BUTTON" caption="У&amp;меньшить" style="1342275584" position="232, 2, 44, 12"/>
<control id="58118" class="BUTTON" caption="Zoom &amp;Out" style="1342275584" position="232, 2, 44, 12"/>
<control id="58112" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Закрыть" style="1342275584" position="278, 2, 44, 12"/>
<control id="58112" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Close" style="1342275584" position="278, 2, 44, 12"/>
<dialog id="30721" caption="Создать" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376252" position="9, 26, 183, 70">
<dialog id="30721" caption="New" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376252" position="9, 26, 183, 70">
<control caption="&amp;Создать" style="1342177280" position="6, 5, 123, 8"/>
<control caption="&amp;New " style="1342177280" position="6, 5, 123, 8"/>
<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728577" position="6, 15, 125, 49"/>
<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728577" position="6, 15, 125, 49"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Хорошо" style="1342242817" position="137, 6, 40, 14"/>
<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="137, 6, 40, 14"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отмена" style="1342242816" position="137, 23, 40, 14"/>
<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="137, 23, 40, 14"/>
<control id="57670" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Справка" style="1342242816" position="137, 43, 40, 14"/>
<control id="57670" class="BUTTON" caption="&amp;Help" style="1342242816" position="137, 43, 40, 14"/>

Revision as of 09:03, 28 September 2009

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>

<resource CompactMode="1" Language="Russian" LANGID="1049">

<string id="100" value="OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version."/>

<string id="101" value="&About Console..."/>

<string id="102" value="&Close"/>

<string id="103" value="&Help"/>

<string id="104" value="Windows sockets initialization failed."/>

<string id="1000" value="Configuration Explorer"/>

<string id="1001" value="Cannot sign in right now. Please contact your administrator."/>

<string id="1002" value="Default Domain"/>

<string id="1003" value="Connected"/>

<string id="1004" value="Disconnected"/>

<string id="1005" value="User Name"/>

<string id="1006" value="Full Name"/>

<string id="1007" value="Type"/>

<string id="1008" value="Status"/>

<string id="1009" value="Status"/>

<string id="1010" value="Ready"/>

<string id="1011" value="User"/>

<string id="1012" value="Administrator"/>

<string id="1013" value="Invalid User"/>

<string id="1014" value="Yes"/>

<string id="1015" value="No"/>

<string id="1016" value="Enabled"/>

<string id="1017" value="Disabled"/>

<string id="1018" value="Description"/>

<string id="1019" value="With User Accounts, you can create a new user, edit user information and delete a user."/>

<string id="1020" value="Do you want to delete %s's account?"/>

<string id="1021" value="Failed to delete the user account."/>

<string id="1022" value="Add a New User"/>

<string id="1023" value="Edit User Information"/>

<string id="1024" value="Cannot add the user. Please check the information and try again."/>

<string id="1025" value="Cannot update the user information. Please check the information and try again."/>

<string id="1026" value="Computer Name"/>

<string id="1027" value="Address"/>

<string id="1028" value="Status"/>

<string id="1029" value="Type"/>

<string id="1030" value="Do you want to delete the computer?"/>

<string id="1031" value="Failed to delete the computer."/>

<string id="1032" value="With Computer, you can edit computer information and set firewal to protect your computer."/>

<string id="1033" value="Cannot connect to server."/>

<string id="1034" value="Do you want to delete the service from the service list?"/>

<string id="1035" value="Do you want to delete the user for the computer?"/>

<string id="1036" value="With Settings, you can configure server's information."/>

<string id="1037" value="Add a New Service"/>

<string id="1038" value="Edit Service Information"/>

<string id="1039" value="Add a New Port"/>

<string id="1040" value="Edit Port"/>

<string id="1041" value="Permanent"/>

<string id="1042" value="Temporary"/>

<string id="1043" value="Default User"/>

<string id="1044" value="Online"/>

<string id="1045" value="Offline"/>

<string id="1046" value="Do you want to restart the server on this computer now? The changes will not take effect until the server service restarts. After it restarts, you may want to sign in again."/>

<string id="1047" value="Cannot change domain name. Please check the infromation and try again."/>

<string id="1048" value="The domain name has been registered."/>

<string id="1049" value="Cannot change domain password. Please check the information and try again."/>

<string id="1050" value="Cannot change server port. Please check the information and try again."/>

<string id="1051" value="Cannot change update type. Please check the information and try again."/>

<string id="1052" value="Cannot create domain. Please check the information and try again."/>

<string id="1053" value="Cannot find the domain. Please check the information and try again."/>

<string id="1054" value="Do you want to change the server listen port? If so, the service will be restart automatically and you may want to log in again."/>

<string id="1055" value="The software expired. Please upgrade to the latest version."/>

<string id="1056" value="The application vesion is not compatible with the server."/>

<string id="1057" value="The client version is %s \nThe server version is %s"/>

<string id="1058" value="Username and password do not match."/>

<string id="1059" value="Insufficient permission."/>

<string id="1060" value="The domain name entered is not properly formatted. Standard names may contain letters(a-z, A-Z), numbers(0-9), and hyphens(-), but no spaces or periods(.). The name may not consist entirely of digits."/>

<string id="1061" value="The specified account name is not valid, because account names cannot contain the following characters: /]":;|<>+=,?* \n Please type a different name."/>

<string id="1062" value="With Connections, you can specify a method used when creating connection between clients."/>

<string id="1063" value="The changes will not take effect until the client service restart. Do you want to restart the client service now?"/>

<string id="1064" value="Does not support the current Windows version. Requires WindowXp or later."/>

<string id="1065" value="Connection..."/>

<string id="1066" value="Please restart your NeoRouter server manually. The changes will take effect the next time you start your server."/>

<string id="1067" value="The server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed users."/>

<string id="2100" value="Add New User"/>

<string id="2101" value="Edit User Information"/>

<string id="2102" value="Delete User"/>

<string id="2103" value="Help"/>

<string id="2104" value="Add New Computer"/>

<string id="2105" value="Edit Computer Information"/>

<string id="2106" value="Delete Computer"/>

<string id="2107" value="Please restart your NeoRouter server manually. The changes will take effect the next time you start your server."/>

<string id="2108" value="Edit Access Control List"/>

<string id="2109" value="Alias"/>

<string id="2110" value="Cannot change the computer alias. Please check the information and try again."/>

<string id="2111" value="Domain information has been refreshed successfully."/>

<string id="2112" value="Cannot change DHCP settings. Please check the information and try again."/>

<string id="2113" value="Cannot activate your product. Please check your product key and try again."/>

<string id="2114" value="NeoRouter Pro"/>

<string id="2115" value="NeoRouter Free"/>

<string id="2116" value="Your license will be expired in %d day(s)."/>

<string id="2117" value="Your license has been expired %d day(s)."/>

<string id="9122" value="\n&Add or Remove Buttons"/>

<string id="9123" value="\n&Reset Toolbar"/>

<string id="9135" value="\nPencil"/>

<string id="9136" value="\nFill Color"/>

<string id="9137" value="\nPick Color"/>

<string id="9138" value="\nLine"/>

<string id="9139" value="\nRectangle"/>

<string id="9140" value="\nEllipse"/>

<string id="9141" value="\nCopy"/>

<string id="9142" value="\nPaste"/>

<string id="9143" value="\nClear"/>

<string id="9144" value="\nUndo"/>

<string id="9145" value="\nRedo"/>

<string id="9146" value="\nImport from File"/>

<string id="9148" value="\nToolbar Options"/>

<string id="9149" value="\nClose"/>

<string id="9150" value="\nExpand"/>

<string id="9151" value="\nClose Window"/>

<string id="9152" value="\nRestore Window"/>

<string id="9153" value="\nMinimize Window"/>

<string id="9155" value="\nMove to P&revious Tab Group"/>

<string id="9156" value="\nMove to Ne&xt Tab Group"/>

<string id="9157" value="\nNew Hori&zontal Tab Group"/>

<string id="9158" value="\nNew &Vertical Tab Group"/>

<string id="9159" value="\nC&ancel"/>

<string id="9160" value="Close"/>

<string id="9161" value="Customize"/>

<string id="9162" value="New Menu"/>

<string id="9163" value="Custom %d"/>

<string id="9164" value="The toolbar name cannot be blank. Type a name."/>

<string id="9165" value="Sorry you have reached your limit."/>

<string id="9166" value="A toolbar named '%s' already exists. Type another name."/>

<string id="9167" value="Rename Toolbar"/>

<string id="9168" value="Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' toolbar?"/>

<string id="9169" value="All Commands"/>

<string id="9170" value="This will delete the record of the commands you've used in this application and restore the default set of visible commands to the menus and toolbars. It will not undo any explicit customizations. Are you sure you want to do this?"/>

<string id="9171" value="This is not a valid number."/>

<string id="9172" value="The number must be between 1 and 1638."/>

<string id="9173" value="Are you sure you want to reset the changes made to the '%s' toolbar?"/>

<string id="9174" value="Built-in Menus"/>

<string id="9175" value="Are you sure you want to reset the key assignments? This action will remove all custom key assignments at the text level."/>

<string id="9176" value="This shortcut is currently assigned.\nDo you want to re-assign this shortcut?"/>

<string id="9177" value="Due to a software update the toolbar '%s' has changed. Would you like to reset your customized toolbar and load the new one?"/>

<string id="9178" value="All Picture Files|*.bmp;*.wmf;*.emf;*.ico;*.dib;*.cur;*.gif;*.jpg|Bitmaps(*.Bmp;*.Dib)|*.bmp;*.dib|Metafiles(*.Wmf;*.Emf)|*.wmf;*.emf|Icons(*.Ico;*.Cur)|*.ico;*.cur|GIF(*.Gif)|*.gif|JPEG(*.Jpg)|*.jpg|All Files(*.*)|*.*||"/>

<string id="9179" value="(System default)"/>

<string id="9180" value="Random"/>

<string id="9181" value="Unfold"/>

<string id="9182" value="Slide"/>

<string id="9183" value="Fade"/>

<string id="9184" value="None"/>

<string id="9185" value="Active Files"/>

<string id="9320" value="New"/>

<string id="9321" value="Delete"/>

<string id="9322" value="Move Up"/>

<string id="9323" value="Move Down"/>

<string id="9325" value="Sort Ascending\nSort Ascending"/>

<string id="9326" value="Sort Descending\nSort Descending"/>

<string id="9327" value="Aligns the paragraph at the left margin\nAlign Left"/>

<string id="9328" value="Centers the paragraph between the margins\nCenter"/>

<string id="9329" value="Aligns the paragraph at the right margin\nAlign Right"/>

<string id="9330" value="Show large icons\nLarge Icons"/>

<string id="9331" value="Show small icons\nSmall Icons"/>

<string id="9332" value="Remove from Outlook Bar"/>

<string id="9333" value="Rename Shortcut"/>

<string id="9334" value="Remove Group"/>

<string id="9335" value="Rename Group"/>

<string id="9336" value="Name"/>

<string id="9337" value="Size"/>

<string id="9338" value="Type"/>

<string id="9339" value="Modified"/>

<string id="9340" value="Automatic"/>

<string id="9341" value="Customize..."/>

<string id="9342" value="Select Directory:"/>

<string id="9343" value="..."/>

<string id="9344" value="*.*"/>

<string id="9345" value="All Files (*.*)|*.*||"/>

<string id="9346" value="Directory name:"/>

<string id="9347" value="Click push pin to keep open"/>

<string id="9348" value="Did you know..."/>

<string id="9349" value="The specified file does not exist."/>

<string id="9350" value="Error reading file."/>

<string id="9351" value="Colors"/>

<string id="9352" value="New"/>

<string id="9353" value="Current"/>

<string id="9354" value="Directories:"/>

<string id="9355" value="Files:"/>

<string id="9356" value="Hex"/>

<string id="9357" value="The operating system is out of memory or resources."/>

<string id="9358" value="The specified file was not found."/>

<string id="9359" value="The specified path was not found."/>

<string id="9360" value="The operating system denied access to the specified file."/>

<string id="9361" value="There was not enough memory to complete the operation."/>

<string id="9362" value="The .exe file is invalid (non-Win32? .exe or error in .exe image)."/>

<string id="9363" value="A sharing violation occurred."/>

<string id="9364" value="The file name association is incomplete or invalid."/>

<string id="9365" value="The DDE transaction could not be completed because the request timed out."/>

<string id="9366" value="The DDE transaction failed."/>

<string id="9367" value="The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed."/>

<string id="9368" value="There is no application associated with the given file name extension."/>

<string id="9369" value="The specified dynamic-link library was not found."/>

<string id="9370" value="An unknown error number %d occured."/>

<string id="9424" value="Standard Colors"/>

<string id="9425" value="Tip text"/>

<string id="9432" value="OK"/>

<string id="9433" value="&Yes"/>

<string id="9434" value="&No"/>

<string id="9435" value="&Retry"/>

<string id="9436" value="Cancel"/>

<string id="9437" value="&Close"/>

<string id="9438" value="Show &Details"/>

<string id="9439" value="Hide &Details"/>

<string id="9440" value="&Apply"/>

<string id="9441" value="Help"/>

<string id="9900" value="Black"/>

<string id="9901" value="Brown"/>

<string id="9902" value="Olive Green"/>

<string id="9903" value="Dark Green"/>

<string id="9904" value="Dark Teal"/>

<string id="9905" value="Dark Blue"/>

<string id="9906" value="Indigo"/>

<string id="9907" value="Gray-80%"/>

<string id="9908" value="Dark Red"/>

<string id="9909" value="Orange"/>

<string id="9910" value="Dark Yellow"/>

<string id="9911" value="Green"/>

<string id="9912" value="Teal"/>

<string id="9913" value="Blue"/>

<string id="9914" value="Blue-Gray"/>

<string id="9915" value="Gray-50%"/>

<string id="9916" value="Red"/>

<string id="9917" value="Light Orange"/>

<string id="9918" value="Lime"/>

<string id="9919" value="Sea Green"/>

<string id="9920" value="Aqua"/>

<string id="9921" value="Light Blue"/>

<string id="9922" value="Violet"/>

<string id="9923" value="Gray-40%"/>

<string id="9924" value="Pink"/>

<string id="9925" value="Gold"/>

<string id="9926" value="Yellow"/>

<string id="9927" value="Bright Green"/>

<string id="9928" value="Turquoise"/>

<string id="9929" value="Sky Blue"/>

<string id="9930" value="Plum"/>

<string id="9931" value="Gray-25%"/>

<string id="9932" value="Rose"/>

<string id="9933" value="Tan"/>

<string id="9934" value="Light Yellow"/>

<string id="9935" value="Light Green"/>

<string id="9936" value="Light Turquoise"/>

<string id="9937" value="Pale Blue"/>

<string id="9938" value="Lavender"/>

<string id="9939" value="White"/>

<string id="9940" value="Gray"/>

<string id="9941" value="Maroon"/>

<string id="9942" value="Olive"/>

<string id="9943" value="Navy"/>

<string id="9944" value="Purple"/>

<string id="9945" value="Silver"/>

<string id="9946" value="Fuchsia"/>

<string id="9947" value="No Fill\nNo Fill"/>

<string id="9948" value="Automatic Color\nAutomatic Color"/>

<string id="9949" value="More Colors..."/>

<string id="9974" value="One Page"/>

<string id="9975" value="Two Page"/>

<string id="35001" value="Customize application appearance, toolbars, and menus\n&Customize..."/>

<string id="35200" value="Arabic"/>

<string id="35201" value="Bulgarian"/>

<string id="35202" value="Chinese Simplified"/>

<string id="35203" value="Chinese Traditional"/>

<string id="35204" value="Croatian"/>

<string id="35205" value="Czech"/>

<string id="35206" value="Danish"/>

<string id="35207" value="Dutch"/>

<string id="35208" value="English"/>

<string id="35209" value="Estonian"/>

<string id="35210" value="Finnish"/>

<string id="35211" value="French"/>

<string id="35212" value="German"/>

<string id="35213" value="Greek"/>

<string id="35214" value="Hebrew"/>

<string id="35215" value="Hungarian"/>

<string id="35216" value="Italian"/>

<string id="35217" value="Japanese"/>

<string id="35218" value="Korean"/>

<string id="35219" value="Latvian"/>

<string id="35220" value="Lithuanian"/>

<string id="35221" value="Norwegian"/>

<string id="35222" value="Polish"/>

<string id="35223" value="Portuguese Brazil"/>

<string id="35224" value="Portuguese"/>

<string id="35225" value="Romanian"/>

<string id="35226" value="Russian"/>

<string id="35227" value="Slovak"/>

<string id="35228" value="Slovenian"/>

<string id="35229" value="Spanish"/>

<string id="35230" value="Swedish"/>

<string id="35231" value="Thai"/>

<string id="35232" value="Turkish"/>

<string id="35233" value="Ukrainian"/>

<string id="61440" value="Open"/>

<string id="61441" value="Save As"/>

<string id="61442" value="All Files (*.*)"/>

<string id="61443" value="Untitled"/>

<string id="61446" value="an unnamed file"/>

<string id="61457" value="&Hide"/>

<string id="61472" value="No error message is available."/>

<string id="61473" value="An unsupported operation was attempted."/>

<string id="61474" value="A required resource was unavailable."/>

<string id="61475" value="Out of memory."/>

<string id="61476" value="An unknown error has occurred."/>

<string id="61477" value="An invalid argument was encountered."/>

<string id="61696" value="Invalid filename."/>

<string id="61697" value="Failed to open document."/>

<string id="61698" value="Failed to save document."/>

<string id="61699" value="Save changes to %1?"/>

<string id="61700" value="Failed to create empty document."/>

<string id="61701" value="The file is too large to open."/>

<string id="61702" value="Could not start print job."/>

<string id="61703" value="Failed to launch help."/>

<string id="61704" value="Internal application error."/>

<string id="61705" value="Command failed."/>

<string id="61706" value="Insufficient memory to perform operation."/>

<string id="61707" value="System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted."/>

<string id="61708" value="Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed."/>

<string id="61709" value="This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system."/>

<string id="61710" value="This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s."/>

<string id="61712" value="Please enter an integer."/>

<string id="61713" value="Please enter a number."/>

<string id="61714" value="Please enter an integer between %1 and %2."/>

<string id="61715" value="Please enter a number between %1 and %2."/>

<string id="61716" value="Please enter no more than %1 characters."/>

<string id="61717" value="Please select a button."/>

<string id="61718" value="Please enter an integer between 0 and 255."/>

<string id="61719" value="Please enter a positive integer."/>

<string id="61720" value="Please enter a date and/or time."/>

<string id="61721" value="Please enter a currency."/>

<string id="61722" value="Please enter a GUID."/>

<string id="61723" value="Please enter a time."/>

<string id="61724" value="Please enter a date."/>

<string id="61728" value="Unexpected file format."/>

<string id="61729" value="%1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given."/>

<string id="61730" value="Destination disk drive is full."/>

<string id="61731" value="Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else."/>

<string id="61732" value="Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else."/>

<string id="61733" value="An unexpected error occurred while reading %1."/>

<string id="61734" value="An unexpected error occurred while writing %1."/>

<string id="61744" value="%1: %2\nContinue running script?"/>

<string id="61745" value="Dispatch exception: %1"/>

<string id="61836" value="Unable to read write-only property."/>

<string id="61837" value="Unable to write read-only property."/>

<string id="61840" value="Unable to load mail system support."/>

<string id="61841" value="Mail system DLL is invalid."/>

<string id="61842" value="Send Mail failed to send message."/>

<string id="61856" value="No error occurred."/>

<string id="61857" value="An unknown error occurred while accessing %1."/>

<string id="61858" value="%1 was not found."/>

<string id="61859" value="%1 contains an invalid path."/>

<string id="61860" value="%1 could not be opened because there are too many open files."/>

<string id="61861" value="Access to %1 was denied."/>

<string id="61862" value="An invalid file handle was associated with %1."/>

<string id="61863" value="%1 could not be removed because it is the current directory."/>

<string id="61864" value="%1 could not be created because the directory is full."/>

<string id="61865" value="Seek failed on %1"/>

<string id="61866" value="A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1."/>

<string id="61867" value="A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1."/>

<string id="61868" value="A locking violation occurred while accessing %1."/>

<string id="61869" value="Disk full while accessing %1."/>

<string id="61870" value="An attempt was made to access %1 past its end."/>

<string id="61872" value="No error occurred."/>

<string id="61873" value="An unknown error occurred while accessing %1."/>

<string id="61874" value="An attempt was made to write to the reading %1."/>

<string id="61875" value="An attempt was made to access %1 past its end."/>

<string id="61876" value="An attempt was made to read from the writing %1."/>

<string id="61877" value="%1 has a bad format."/>

<string id="61878" value="%1 contained an unexpected object."/>

<string id="61879" value="%1 contains an incorrect schema."/>

<string id="61888" value="pixels"/>

<string id="62177" value="Uncheck"/>

<string id="62178" value="Check"/>

<string id="62179" value="Mixed"/>

<menu id="9121">

<menuitem caption="Customize">

<menuitem id="9123" caption="&Reset"/>

<menuitem id="9124" caption="&Delete"/>


<menuitem id="9125" caption="&Name:"/>


<menuitem id="9126" caption="&Copy Button Image"/>

<menuitem id="9127" caption="&Paste Button Image"/>

<menuitem id="9128" caption="Re&set Button Image"/>

<menuitem id="9129" caption="&Edit Button Image..."/>

<menuitem id="9130" caption="Change &Button Image"/>


<menuitem id="9131" caption="Defa&ult Style"/>

<menuitem id="9133" caption="&Text Only"/>

<menuitem id="9132" caption="Image &and Text"/>


<menuitem id="9134" caption="Begin a &Group"/>



<menu id="9316">

<menuitem caption="RClickOutlookBar">

<menuitem id="9331" caption="S&mall Icons"/>

<menuitem id="9330" caption="Lar&ge Icons"/>


<menuitem caption="RClickHexEdit">

<menuitem id="57643" caption="&Undo"/>


<menuitem id="57635" caption="Cu&t"/>

<menuitem id="57634" caption="&Copy"/>

<menuitem id="57637" caption="&Paste"/>

<menuitem id="57632" caption="&Delete"/>


<menuitem id="57642" caption="Select &All"/>


<menuitem caption="RClickHeader">

<menuitem id="9325" caption="Sort Ascending"/>

<menuitem id="9326" caption="Sort Descending"/>


<menuitem caption="Alignment">

<menuitem id="9327" caption="Align Left"/>

<menuitem id="9328" caption="Align Center"/>

<menuitem id="9329" caption="Align Right"/>




<menu id="9977">

<menuitem caption="HF">

<menuitem id="101" caption="&&d Short date format"/>

<menuitem id="102" caption="&&D Long date format"/>


<menuitem id="103" caption="&&t Time"/>

<menuitem id="104" caption="&&T Time (24 hour)"/>


<menuitem id="105" caption="&&p Page Number"/>

<menuitem id="106" caption="&&P Number of Pages"/>


<menuitem id="108" caption="&&b Left Alignment &&b Center Alignment &&b Right Alignment"/>


<menuitem id="109" caption="&&w Window Title"/>

<menuitem id="110" caption="&&&& Ampersand (&&)"/>

<menuitem id="111" caption="\\n New Line"/>



<dialog id="129" caption="General" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 262, 222">

<control id="216" caption="Summary" position="6, 16, 42, 12"/>

<control id="163" caption="Client version:" position="18, 29, 92, 8"/>

<control id="165" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 29, 152, 12"/>

<control id="157" caption="Log on to:" position="18, 57, 92, 8"/>

<control id="160" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 57, 152, 12"/>

<control id="2101" caption="Network status" position="6, 76, 54, 12"/>

<control id="167" caption="IP Address:" position="18, 89, 92, 12"/>

<control id="169" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 89, 152, 12"/>

<control id="171" caption="Port:" position="18, 104, 92, 12"/>

<control id="173" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 104, 152, 12"/>

<control id="176" caption="Status:" position="18, 118, 92, 12"/>

<control id="178" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 118, 152, 12"/>

<control id="210" caption="General" position="0, 0, 262, 15"/>

<control id="211" style="1342177296" position="41, 21, 221, 1"/>

<control id="212" style="1342177296" position="64, 80, 198, 1"/>

<control caption="Server version:" position="18, 43, 92, 12"/>

<control id="161" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 43, 152, 12"/>

<control id="1130" caption="Computer License:" position="18, 168, 61, 8"/>

<control id="213" style="1342177296" position="73, 143, 189, 1"/>

<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Activate Product..." style="1342242816" position="170, 201, 85, 14"/>

<control id="1133" caption="Product Information" position="6, 138, 65, 8"/>

<control id="1134" caption="Edition:" position="18, 153, 92, 8"/>

<control id="1135" caption="product name" position="110, 153, 152, 8"/>

<control id="1136" caption="computer license" position="110, 168, 152, 8"/>

<control id="1137" caption="expire information" position="110, 183, 152, 8"/>


<dialog id="130" caption="Configuration Explorer" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 212, 113">

<control id="146" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344340290" position="65, 21, 130, 30"/>

<control id="155" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="65, 39, 130, 14"/>

<control id="160" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344340290" position="65, 59, 130, 73"/>

<control id="199" class="BUTTON" caption="Sign In" style="1342242817" position="26, 92, 50, 14"/>

<control id="209" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="82, 92, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Sign In" style="1342177287" position="6, 7, 199, 77"/>

<control id="152" caption="User name:" styleex="4096" position="8, 23, 49, 8"/>

<control id="153" caption="Password:" styleex="4096" position="8, 42, 49, 8"/>

<control id="157" caption="Log on to:" styleex="4096" position="8, 60, 49, 8"/>

<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Connection..." style="1342242816" position="137, 92, 58, 14"/>


<dialog id="131" caption="User Accounts" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 310, 222">

<control id="166" class="SysListView32" style="1350633485" position="0, 30, 310, 150"/>

<control id="205" style="1342177298" styleex="32" position="0, 183, 310, 40"/>

<control id="206" caption="Title" position="4, 186, 306, 10"/>

<control id="207" caption="Body" position="4, 198, 306, 19"/>

<control id="208" caption="Toolbar" position="0, 15, 310, 15"/>

<control id="210" caption="User Accounts" position="0, 0, 310, 15"/>


<dialog id="132" caption="Computers" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 310, 222">

<control id="168" class="SysListView32" style="1350633485" position="0, 30, 310, 83"/>

<control id="170" caption="Access control list:" position="0, 116, 309, 8"/>

<control id="174" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="156, 127, 154, 54"/>

<control id="208" caption="Toolbar" styleex="32" position="0, 15, 310, 15"/>

<control id="172" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="0, 127, 154, 54"/>

<control id="205" style="1342177298" styleex="32" position="0, 183, 310, 40"/>

<control id="206" caption="Title" position="4, 186, 306, 10"/>

<control id="207" caption="Body" position="4, 198, 306, 19"/>

<control id="210" caption="Computers" position="0, 0, 310, 15"/>


<dialog id="133" caption="Settings" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 262, 222">

<control id="1078" class="BUTTON" caption="Setup Domain" style="1342242816" position="191, 26, 59, 14"/>

<control id="1116" class="BUTTON" caption="Refresh" style="1342242816" position="191, 43, 59, 14"/>

<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Change Port" style="1342242816" position="191, 71, 59, 14"/>

<control id="175" class="BUTTON" caption="Enable UPnP (Universal Plug and Play)" style="1342308361" position="36, 97, 140, 10"/>

<control id="177" class="BUTTON" caption="Setup port forwarding manually" style="1342177289" position="36, 109, 140, 10"/>

<control id="1079" class="BUTTON" caption="Restart" style="1342242816" position="191, 125, 59, 14"/>

<control id="1075" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="90, 27, 98, 14"/>

<control id="180" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="90, 71, 98, 13"/>

<control id="2101" caption="Server" position="5, 60, 30, 12"/>

<control id="179" caption="Listen port: " position="16, 71, 67, 12"/>

<control id="205" style="1342177298" styleex="32" position="0, 183, 262, 40"/>

<control id="206" caption="Title" position="4, 186, 306, 10"/>

<control id="207" caption="Body" position="4, 198, 306, 19"/>

<control id="210" caption="Settings" position="0, 0, 262, 15"/>

<control id="212" style="1342177296" position="36, 65, 226, 1"/>

<control id="2102" caption="Domain" position="5, 16, 29, 12"/>

<control id="211" style="1342177296" position="36, 20, 226, 1"/>

<control id="1074" caption="Current domain:" position="16, 29, 67, 8"/>

<control caption="Restart the server on this computer..." position="15, 127, 169, 8"/>

<control caption="Fresh the domain information manually..." position="16, 46, 172, 8"/>

<control id="1120" class="BUTTON" caption="NAT Setting" style="1342177287" position="27, 85, 161, 38"/>

<control id="1124" caption="DHCP" position="5, 144, 31, 8"/>

<control id="213" style="1342177296" position="36, 147, 222, 1"/>

<control caption="Subnet:" position="16, 155, 67, 8"/>

<control caption="Netmask:" position="16, 169, 67, 8"/>

<control id="1126" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="90, 152, 98, 12"/>

<control id="1119" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="90, 167, 98, 12"/>

<control id="1127" class="BUTTON" caption="Change DHCP" style="1342242816" position="191, 152, 59, 14"/>


<dialog id="135" caption="Edit Access Control List" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 275, 294">

<control id="172" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="14, 25, 247, 55"/>

<control id="185" class="BUTTON" caption="Add..." style="1342242816" position="159, 84, 50, 14"/>

<control id="186" class="BUTTON" caption="Delete" style="1342242816" position="211, 84, 50, 14"/>

<control id="187" class="BUTTON" caption="On (recommended)" style="1342308361" position="14, 122, 247, 10"/>

<control id="190" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728931" position="21, 158, 188, 55"/>

<control id="191" class="BUTTON" caption="Add..." style="1342242816" position="211, 158, 50, 14"/>

<control id="193" class="BUTTON" caption="Edit..." style="1342242816" position="211, 178, 50, 14"/>

<control id="194" class="BUTTON" caption="Delete" style="1342242816" position="211, 196, 50, 14"/>

<control id="214" class="BUTTON" caption="Off (not recommended)" style="1342177289" position="14, 227, 210, 10"/>

<control id="200" class="BUTTON" caption="Ok" style="1342242817" position="164, 273, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="218, 273, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="User List" style="1342177287" position="7, 3, 261, 100"/>

<control id="184" caption="Users who are allowed to access the computer:" position="14, 15, 152, 8"/>

<control id="189" caption="This setting blocks all outside sources from connecting to this computer, with the following exceptions." position="24, 137, 237, 19"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Firewall" style="1342177287" position="7, 106, 261, 160"/>

<control caption="Avoid using this setting. Turning off firewall may make this computer more vulnerable." position="24, 241, 237, 18"/>


<dialog id="136" caption="Add a Port" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 234, 124">

<control id="196" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="65, 27, 151, 14"/>

<control id="197" class="BUTTON" caption="TCP" style="1342308361" position="65, 58, 29, 10"/>

<control id="198" class="BUTTON" caption="UDP" style="1342177289" position="141, 58, 29, 10"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="122, 103, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="177, 103, 50, 14"/>

<control caption="Port number:" position="16, 30, 43, 8"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Port" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 220, 89"/>

<control caption="Protocol:" position="16, 58, 30, 8"/>


<dialog id="137" caption="Add a User" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 201, 164">

<control id="172" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728833" position="15, 21, 171, 107"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="90, 143, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="144, 143, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Users" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 187, 129"/>


<dialog id="138" caption="Add a Service" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 228, 198">

<control id="1070" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="41, 19, 172, 14"/>

<control id="174" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="14, 51, 199, 94"/>

<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Add..." style="1342242816" position="59, 149, 50, 14"/>

<control id="1072" class="BUTTON" caption="Edit..." style="1342242816" position="112, 149, 50, 14"/>

<control id="1073" class="BUTTON" caption="Delete" style="1342242816" position="164, 149, 50, 14"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="117, 177, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="171, 177, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Services" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 214, 164"/>

<control id="1069" caption="Name:" position="15, 20, 22, 8"/>

<control id="1071" caption="Ports associated with the service:" position="15, 39, 109, 8"/>


<dialog id="141" caption="Change Password" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 227, 108">

<control id="155" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 24, 133, 14"/>

<control id="161" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 46, 133, 14"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="116, 87, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="170, 87, 50, 14"/>

<control caption="New password:" position="14, 27, 68, 8"/>

<control caption="Confirm password:" position="14, 48, 68, 8"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Set Password" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 213, 70"/>


<dialog id="151" caption="User Accounts" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 252, 167">

<control id="146" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="82, 18, 159, 14"/>

<control id="156" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="82, 38, 159, 14"/>

<control id="182" class="BUTTON" caption="Administrator" style="1342308361" position="82, 60, 59, 10"/>

<control id="183" class="BUTTON" caption="User" style="1342177289" position="169, 60, 67, 10"/>

<control id="181" class="BUTTON" caption="Enabled" style="1342242819" position="82, 81, 41, 10"/>

<control id="202" class="BUTTON" caption="Change Password..." style="1342242816" position="82, 102, 84, 14"/>

<control id="1065" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 100, 159, 14"/>

<control id="161" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 119, 159, 14"/>

<control id="200" class="BUTTON" caption="Ok" style="1342242817" position="131, 146, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="195, 146, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="User Account" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 238, 133"/>

<control id="152" caption="User name:" position="14, 22, 68, 8"/>

<control id="154" caption="Full name:" position="14, 41, 68, 8"/>

<control id="162" caption="Account status:" position="14, 81, 68, 8"/>

<control id="164" caption="Account type:" position="14, 60, 68, 8"/>

<control id="1064" caption="Password:" position="14, 103, 68, 8"/>

<control id="159" caption="Confirm password:" position="14, 122, 68, 8"/>


<dialog id="152" caption="Change Port" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 212, 116">

<control id="1080" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="79, 33, 113, 14"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="96, 95, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="155, 95, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Server listen port" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 198, 78"/>

<control caption="Port number:" position="19, 35, 43, 8"/>


<dialog id="153" caption="Setup Domain" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 256, 134">

<control id="1075" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="98, 27, 143, 14"/>

<control id="1084" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="98, 46, 143, 14"/>

<control id="1085" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="98, 65, 143, 14"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="141, 113, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="197, 113, 50, 14"/>

<control caption="Type the NeoRouter domain name and password for the server." position="7, 7, 240, 14"/>

<control id="1074" caption="Domain name:" position="17, 30, 71, 8"/>

<control caption="Domain password:" position="17, 49, 71, 8"/>

<control caption="Confirm password:" position="17, 67, 71, 8"/>

<control id="1121" caption="Forgot password?" position="98, 84, 143, 8"/>

<control id="1122" caption="Create a new domain..." position="7, 119, 119, 8"/>


<dialog id="155" caption="Rename Domain" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 203, 115">

<control id="1088" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="23, 21, 153, 14"/>

<control id="1089" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="23, 61, 153, 14"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="89, 94, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="146, 94, 50, 14"/>

<control caption="Old domain name:" position="23, 7, 153, 11"/>

<control caption="New domain name:" position="23, 49, 153, 8"/>


<dialog id="156" caption="Change Domain Password" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 227, 108">

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="116, 87, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="170, 87, 50, 14"/>

<control id="155" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 24, 133, 14"/>

<control id="161" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 46, 133, 14"/>

<control caption="New password:" position="14, 27, 68, 8"/>

<control caption="Confirm password:" position="14, 48, 68, 8"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Set Domain Password" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 213, 70"/>


<dialog id="158" caption="Connections" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 262, 222">

<control id="198" class="BUTTON" caption="Create a direct peer-to-peer UDP connection" style="1342308361" position="14, 28, 238, 10"/>

<control id="197" class="BUTTON" caption="Create a direct peer-to-peer TCP connection" style="1342177289" position="14, 51, 238, 10"/>

<control id="199" class="BUTTON" caption="Relay through server" style="1342177289" position="14, 83, 238, 10"/>

<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Apply" style="1342242816" position="202, 116, 50, 14"/>

<control id="210" caption="Connections" position="0, 0, 262, 15"/>

<control id="205" style="1342177298" styleex="32" position="0, 182, 262, 40"/>

<control id="206" caption="Title" position="4, 186, 306, 10"/>

<control id="207" caption="Body" position="4, 198, 306, 19"/>

<control id="1094" caption="This option is recommended for most home users. " position="30, 39, 222, 11"/>

<control id="1095" caption="If your router or firewall block UDP packets or your network is not stable, choose this option. " position="30, 61, 222, 18"/>

<control id="1096" caption="Force clients to use server to relay data. This option is useful when your network is not stable or your router uses special MTU value." position="30, 93, 222, 21"/>

<control id="216" caption="Client-to-Client Connection" position="4, 17, 103, 12"/>

<control id="211" style="1342177296" position="110, 22, 146, 1"/>

<control caption="Internet Connection" style="1073872896" position="4, 137, 68, 8"/>

<control id="212" style="1073741840" position="73, 142, 181, 1"/>

<control caption="Configure how NeoRouter connects to the Internet" style="1073872896" position="30, 153, 171, 8"/>

<control id="1116" class="BUTTON" caption="Settings..." style="1073807360" position="202, 151, 50, 14"/>


<dialog id="159" caption="Internet Connection Settings" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 244, 172">

<control id="1097" class="BUTTON" caption="No Proxy" style="1342373897" position="13, 20, 217, 10"/>

<control id="1098" class="BUTTON" caption="Manual proxy configuration:" style="1342242825" position="13, 33, 217, 10"/>

<control id="1113" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344340227" position="77, 47, 153, 30"/>

<control id="1114" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="77, 66, 101, 14"/>

<control id="1101" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="204, 66, 26, 14"/>

<control id="1103" class="BUTTON" caption="Authentication" style="1342242819" position="23, 89, 70, 10"/>

<control id="146" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="77, 103, 153, 14"/>

<control id="155" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="77, 121, 153, 14"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="133, 151, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="187, 151, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Configure Proxies to Access the Internet" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 230, 139"/>

<control caption="Server Name:" position="23, 68, 47, 8"/>

<control caption="Port:" position="183, 69, 17, 8"/>

<control caption="Protocol:" position="23, 49, 47, 8"/>

<control caption="Password:" position="36, 124, 34, 8"/>

<control caption="User Name:" position="32, 106, 38, 8"/>


<dialog id="160" caption="Edit Computer" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 189, 118">

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="79, 97, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="132, 97, 50, 14"/>

<control caption="Computer Name:" position="7, 7, 175, 8"/>

<control id="1118" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="7, 18, 175, 14"/>

<control caption="Alias:" position="7, 47, 175, 8"/>

<control id="1119" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="7, 58, 175, 14"/>


<dialog id="161" caption="DHCP Settings" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 203, 98">

<control id="1126" class="SysIPAddress32" style="1342242816" position="71, 22, 100, 15"/>

<control id="1119" class="SysIPAddress32" style="1342242816" position="71, 48, 100, 15"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="91, 77, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="146, 77, 50, 14"/>

<control caption="Subnet:" position="31, 26, 26, 8"/>

<control caption="Netmask:" position="31, 52, 31, 8"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Settings" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 189, 66"/>


<dialog id="162" caption="Product Activation" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 259, 123">

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="144, 102, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="202, 102, 50, 14"/>

<control id="1138" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="35, 55, 187, 14"/>

<control caption="To activate the product please enter your product key. You will have received this with invoice when you purchased the software." position="17, 23, 235, 24"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Product Key" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 245, 87"/>


<dialog id="9114" caption="&Menus" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">

<control id="100" caption="Application Menus" position="4, 5, 222, 8"/>

<control id="101" caption="Context Menus" position="4, 80, 222, 8"/>

<control caption="&Show Menu:" position="10, 20, 44, 11"/>

<control id="102" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="54, 18, 159, 79"/>

<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="Reset" style="1342242816" position="10, 57, 70, 14"/>

<control id="106" caption="Default menu\nDefault application menu" position="37, 34, 181, 18"/>

<control id="107" resource="0" style="1342177283" position="10, 32, 21, 20"/>

<control caption="Select &context menu:" position="10, 92, 68, 10"/>

<control id="104" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="83, 90, 130, 79"/>

<control id="105" class="BUTTON" caption="Reset" style="1342242816" position="10, 108, 70, 14"/>


<dialog id="9115" caption="Button Editor" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-1865940792" position="0, 0, 253, 185">

<control caption="Picture" position="7, 7, 86, 8"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Colors" style="1342177287" position="102, 106, 80, 71"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Move" style="1342177287" position="101, 72, 81, 31"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Preview" style="1342177287" position="7, 106, 86, 71"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Tools" style="1342177287" position="101, 9, 81, 60"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="193, 7, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="193, 25, 50, 14"/>

<control id="100" style="1342177543" position="7, 17, 86, 80"/>

<control id="101" style="1342308865" styleex="131072" position="14, 117, 73, 54"/>

<control caption="Transparent" position="135, 156, 42, 8"/>

<control id="105" style="1342308608" position="116, 153, 15, 15"/>

<control id="103" caption="Tools" style="1082262017" position="112, 21, 60, 43"/>

<control id="104" caption="Move" style="1082262017" position="111, 83, 62, 12"/>

<control id="106" style="1342308620" position="109, 144, 15, 15"/>

<control id="102" caption="Colors" style="1082262017" position="107, 121, 68, 12"/>


<dialog id="9116" caption="&Keyboard" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">

<control caption="Cate&gory:" position="4, 5, 89, 8"/>

<control id="100" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="4, 15, 91, 147"/>

<control id="101" caption="Co&mmands:" position="4, 28, 89, 8"/>

<control id="102" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728897" position="4, 38, 91, 77"/>

<control id="103" caption="K&ey assignments:" position="100, 28, 73, 8"/>

<control id="104" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728897" position="100, 38, 75, 51"/>

<control id="105" caption="Press &new shortcut key:" position="100, 93, 100, 8"/>

<control id="106" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="100, 103, 75, 12"/>

<control id="107" class="BUTTON" caption="&Assign" style="1342242816" position="179, 39, 49, 14"/>

<control id="108" class="BUTTON" caption="&Remove" style="1342242816" position="179, 56, 49, 14"/>

<control id="109" class="BUTTON" caption="Re&set All" style="1342242816" position="179, 73, 49, 14"/>

<control id="110" caption="Description:" position="4, 117, 89, 8"/>

<control id="111" styleex="131072" position="4, 127, 171, 19"/>


<dialog id="9117" caption="Tool&bars" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">

<control caption="Toolb&ars:" position="4, 5, 148, 8"/>

<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728913" position="4, 15, 150, 131"/>

<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="&New..." style="1342242816" position="158, 15, 70, 14"/>

<control id="102" class="BUTTON" caption="&Rename..." style="1342242816" position="158, 33, 70, 14"/>

<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="&Delete" style="1342242816" position="158, 51, 70, 14"/>

<control id="104" class="BUTTON" caption="R&eset..." style="1342242816" position="158, 69, 70, 14"/>


<dialog id="9118" caption="&Options" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">

<control id="108" caption="Personalized Menus and Toolbars" position="4, 5, 222, 8"/>

<control id="100" class="BUTTON" caption="Always show full me&nus" style="1342242819" position="10, 17, 216, 10"/>

<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="Show full menus after a short &delay" style="1342242819" position="22, 29, 204, 10"/>

<control id="102" class="BUTTON" caption="&Reset menu and toolbar usage data" style="1342242816" position="10, 42, 125, 14"/>

<control id="107" caption="Other" position="4, 70, 222, 8"/>

<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="&Large icons" style="1342242819" position="10, 82, 216, 10"/>

<control id="104" class="BUTTON" caption="Show Screen&Tips on toolbars" style="1342242819" position="10, 93, 216, 10"/>

<control id="105" class="BUTTON" caption="Show s&hortcut keys in ScreenTips" style="1342242819" position="22, 104, 204, 10"/>

<control caption="&Menu animations:" position="10, 117, 56, 8"/>

<control id="106" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="70, 115, 79, 65"/>


<dialog id="9119" caption="&Commands" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">

<control caption="To add a command to a toolbar: select a category and drag the command out of this dialog box to a toolbar." position="4, 5, 220, 19"/>

<control caption="Cate&gories:" position="4, 25, 80, 8"/>

<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728833" position="4, 35, 81, 111"/>

<control caption="Comman&ds:" position="90, 25, 134, 8"/>

<control id="101" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728849" position="90, 35, 135, 111"/>


<dialog id="9120" caption="New Toolbar" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 186, 52">

<control caption="&Toolbar name:" position="4, 4, 178, 8"/>

<control id="100" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="4, 15, 178, 12"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="78, 34, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="132, 34, 50, 14"/>


<dialog id="9312" caption="Tip of the Day" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 279, 157">

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="&Close" style="1342242817" position="221, 136, 50, 14"/>

<control id="100" class="BUTTON" caption="&Show tips at startup" style="1342242819" position="7, 140, 120, 10"/>

<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="&Next Tip" style="1342242816" position="162, 136, 50, 14"/>

<control id="102" style="1073741832" position="8, 7, 263, 123"/>


<dialog id="9313" caption="Custom" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1321205832" position="0, 0, 147, 161">

<control id="100" caption="&Colors:" position="2, 4, 43, 10"/>

<control id="101" style="1342242823" position="3, 15, 119, 86"/>

<control id="102" style="1342242823" position="126, 15, 20, 86"/>

<control id="104" caption="&Hue:" position="7, 108, 18, 8"/>

<control id="115" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="25, 106, 33, 13"/>

<control id="112" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin1" style="1342177318" position="49, 105, 10, 14"/>

<control id="105" caption="&Sat:" position="7, 125, 18, 8"/>

<control id="114" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="25, 122, 33, 13"/>

<control id="116" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin2" style="1342177318" position="49, 122, 10, 14"/>

<control id="106" caption="&Lum:" position="7, 140, 18, 8"/>

<control id="113" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="25, 138, 33, 13"/>

<control id="117" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin3" style="1342177318" position="49, 137, 10, 14"/>

<control id="107" caption="&Red:" position="65, 108, 23, 8"/>

<control id="110" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="89, 106, 33, 13"/>

<control id="119" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin1" style="1342177318" position="113, 105, 11, 14"/>

<control id="108" caption="&Green:" position="65, 125, 23, 8"/>

<control id="111" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="89, 122, 33, 13"/>

<control id="120" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin2" style="1342177318" position="113, 122, 11, 14"/>

<control id="109" caption="&Blue:" position="65, 140, 23, 8"/>

<control id="118" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="89, 138, 33, 13"/>

<control id="121" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin3" style="1342177318" position="113, 137, 11, 14"/>


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<control id="104" class="BUTTON" caption="&Close Window" style="1342242816" position="233, 58, 62, 14"/>

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<control id="106" class="BUTTON" caption="Tile &Horizontally" style="1342242816" position="233, 92, 62, 14"/>

<control id="107" class="BUTTON" caption="Tile &Vertically" style="1342242816" position="233, 109, 62, 14"/>

<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="Minimi&ze" style="1342242816" position="233, 126, 62, 14"/>


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<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="137, 23, 40, 14"/>

<control id="57670" class="BUTTON" caption="&Help" style="1342242816" position="137, 43, 40, 14"/>


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