
NeoRouterWiki:Translation NRConsole ResourceBg

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>

<resource CompactMode="1" Language="Bulgarian" LANGID="1026">

<string id="100" value="OLE инициализацията невъзможна. Проверете версията на OLE библиотеките."/>

<string id="101" value="&За..."/>

<string id="102" value="&Затвори"/>

<string id="103" value="&Помощ"/>

<string id="104" value="Неуспешна инициализация на Windows sockets."/>

<string id="1000" value="Настройки"/>

<string id="1001" value="Неуспешно свързване.Моля, обърнете се към Вашия Администратор."/>

<string id="1002" value="Базов Домейн"/>

<string id="1003" value="Свързан"/>

<string id="1004" value="Изключен"/>

<string id="1005" value="Потребител"/>

<string id="1006" value="Пълно Име"/>

<string id="1007" value="Категория"/>

<string id="1008" value="Състояние"/>

<string id="1009" value="Състояние"/>

<string id="1010" value="Готов"/>

<string id="1011" value="Потребител"/>

<string id="1012" value="Администратор"/>

<string id="1013" value="Невалиден Потребител"/>

<string id="1014" value="Да"/>

<string id="1015" value="Не"/>

<string id="1016" value="Разрешен"/>

<string id="1017" value="Забранен"/>

<string id="1018" value="Описание"/>

<string id="1019" value="Тук Вие може да създавате нови потребители, да променяте техните настройки и да премахвате потребители."/>

<string id="1020" value="Искате ли да премахнете Потребителя %s?"/>

<string id="1021" value="Неуспешно Премахване на Потребител."/>

<string id="1022" value="Нов Потребител"/>

<string id="1023" value="Промяна Потребител"/>

<string id="1024" value="Неуспешно добавяне на Потребител. Моля, проверете информацията и опитайте отново."/>

<string id="1025" value="Неуспешно обновяване на информацията за Потребител. Моля, проверете информацията и опитайте отново."/>

<string id="1026" value="Име Компютър"/>

<string id="1027" value="Адрес"/>

<string id="1028" value="Състояние"/>

<string id="1029" value="Вид"/>

<string id="1030" value="Искате ли да премахнете този Компютър?"/>

<string id="1031" value="Неуспешно премахване на Компютър."/>

<string id="1032" value="Тук Вие може да променяте информацията за Компютрите, да премахвате Компютри и да настроите защитната стена за защита на Вашия Компютър."/>

<string id="1033" value="Свързването със Сървъра невъзможно."/>

<string id="1034" value="Искате ли да премахнете този сървис от списъка"/>

<string id="1035" value="Искате ли да премахнете Потребителя на този Компютър?"/>

<string id="1036" value="Тук Вие имате възможност да настройвате Вашия Сървър."/>

<string id="1037" value="Добави нов сървис"/>

<string id="1038" value="Промени информацията за този сървис"/>

<string id="1039" value="Добави нов Порт"/>

<string id="1040" value="Промени Порт"/>

<string id="1041" value="Постоянен"/>

<string id="1042" value="Временен"/>

<string id="1043" value="Потребител по подразбиране"/>

<string id="1044" value="Свързан"/>

<string id="1045" value="Изключен"/>

<string id="1046" value="Да се рестартира ли NeoRouter Сървъра на този Компютър сега? Промените няма да влязат в действие преди рестартирането на Сървъра. След рестартирането ще може да се свържете отново."/>

<string id="1047" value="Името на домейна не може да бъде сменено. Проверете информацията и опитайте отново."/>

<string id="1048" value="Името на Домейна е регистрирано."/>

<string id="1049" value="Паролата на домейна не може да бъде сменена. Проверете информацията и опитайте отново."/>

<string id="1050" value="Портът на Сървъра не може да бъде сменен. Проверете информацията и опитайте отново."/>

<string id="1051" value="Cannot change update type. Please check the information and try again."/>

<string id="1052" value="Домейнът не може да бъде създаден. Проверете информацията и опитайте отново."/>

<string id="1053" value="Домейнът не може да бъде намерен. Проверете информацията и опитайте отново."/>

<string id="1054" value="Искате ли да смените Порта на Сървъра? Ако Да, Сървърът ще бъде рестартиран и ще може да се свържете отново."/>

<string id="1055" value="Моля, инсталирайте най-новата версия на NeoRouter."/>

<string id="1056" value="Версията на приложението е несъвместима със сървъра."/>

<string id="1057" value="Версията на клиента е %s \nВерсията на сървъра е %s"/>

<string id="1058" value="Потребителското име и паролата не съвпадат."/>

<string id="1059" value="Недостатъчни права."/>

<string id="1060" value="Въвели сте неправилно име на Домейн. Името може да съдържа латински букви (a-z, A-Z), цифри (0-9) и тирета (-), но не и интервали или точки. Името не може да е само от цифри."/>

<string id="1061" value="Въвели сте неправилно Потребителско име, защото Потребителските имена не може да съдържат: /]":;|<>+=,?* \n Моля, въведете друго Име."/>

<string id="1062" value="Тук Вие може да укажете начина, по който да се осъществява връзката между клиентите."/>

<string id="1063" value="Промените няма да влязат в действие преди рестартирането на NeoRouter Client. Да се рестартира ли NeoRouter Client сега?"/>

<string id="1064" value="Вашата версия на Windows не се поддържа. Изисква се Windows XP или по-нова.."/>

<string id="1065" value="Свързване..."/>

<string id="1066" value="Моля, рестартирайте Вашия NeoRouter Сървър ръчно. Промените ще влязат в действие при следващото стартиране на Вашия Сървър."/>

<string id="1067" value="The server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed users."/>

<string id="2100" value="Добави нов Потребител"/>

<string id="2101" value="Промени информацията за Потребител"/>

<string id="2102" value="Премахни Потребител"/>

<string id="2103" value="Помощ"/>

<string id="2104" value="Добави нов Компютър"/>

<string id="2105" value="Промени информацията за Компютър"/>

<string id="2106" value="Премахни Компютър"/>

<string id="2107" value="Моля, рестартирайте Вашия NeoRouter Сървър ръчно. Промените ще влязат в действие при следващото стартиране на Вашия Сървър."/>

<string id="2108" value="Промени настройки за достъп"/>

<string id="2109" value="Наричан още"/>

<string id="2110" value="Псевдонимът на Компютъра не може да бъде променен. Проверете информацията и опитайте отново."/>

<string id="2111" value="Информацията за Домейна беше обновена успешно."/>

<string id="2112" value="DHCP настройките не може да бъдат променени. Проверете информацията и опитайте отново."/>

<string id="2113" value="Cannot activate your product. Проверете информацията и опитайте отново."/>

<string id="2114" value="NeoRouter Pro"/>

<string id="2115" value="NeoRouter Free"/>

<string id="2116" value="Вашият лиценз изтича след %d дни."/>

<string id="2117" value="YВашият лиценз е изтекъл от %d дни.."/>

<string id="9122" value="\n&Add or Remove Buttons"/>

<string id="9123" value="\n&Reset Toolbar"/>

<string id="9135" value="\nPencil"/>

<string id="9136" value="\nFill Color"/>

<string id="9137" value="\nPick Color"/>

<string id="9138" value="\nLine"/>

<string id="9139" value="\nRectangle"/>

<string id="9140" value="\nEllipse"/>

<string id="9141" value="\nКопирай"/>

<string id="9142" value="\nВмъкни"/>

<string id="9143" value="\nИзчисти"/>

<string id="9144" value="\nОтмяна"/>

<string id="9145" value="\nВъзстановяване"/>

<string id="9146" value="\nImport from File"/>

<string id="9148" value="\nToolbar Options"/>

<string id="9149" value="\nЗатвори"/>

<string id="9150" value="\nExpand"/>

<string id="9151" value="\nClose Window"/>

<string id="9152" value="\nRestore Window"/>

<string id="9153" value="\nMinimize Window"/>

<string id="9155" value="\nMove to P&revious Tab Group"/>

<string id="9156" value="\nMove to Ne&xt Tab Group"/>

<string id="9157" value="\nNew Hori&zontal Tab Group"/>

<string id="9158" value="\nNew &Vertical Tab Group"/>

<string id="9159" value="\nО&тказ"/>

<string id="9160" value="Затвори"/>

<string id="9161" value="Customize"/>

<string id="9162" value="New Menu"/>

<string id="9163" value="Custom %d"/>

<string id="9164" value="The toolbar name cannot be blank. Type a name."/>

<string id="9165" value="Sorry you have reached your limit."/>

<string id="9166" value="A toolbar named '%s' already exists. Type another name."/>

<string id="9167" value="Rename Toolbar"/>

<string id="9168" value="Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' toolbar?"/>

<string id="9169" value="Всички Команди"/>

<string id="9170" value="This will delete the record of the commands you've used in this application and restore the default set of visible commands to the menus and toolbars. It will not undo any explicit customizations. Are you sure you want to do this?"/>

<string id="9171" value="This is not a valid number."/>

<string id="9172" value="The number must be between 1 and 1638."/>

<string id="9173" value="Are you sure you want to reset the changes made to the '%s' toolbar?"/>

<string id="9174" value="Built-in Menus"/>

<string id="9175" value="Are you sure you want to reset the key assignments? This action will remove all custom key assignments at the text level."/>

<string id="9176" value="This shortcut is currently assigned.\nDo you want to re-assign this shortcut?"/>

<string id="9177" value="Due to a software update the toolbar '%s' has changed. Would you like to reset your customized toolbar and load the new one?"/>

<string id="9178" value="All Picture Files|*.bmp;*.wmf;*.emf;*.ico;*.dib;*.cur;*.gif;*.jpg|Bitmaps(*.Bmp;*.Dib)|*.bmp;*.dib|Metafiles(*.Wmf;*.Emf)|*.wmf;*.emf|Icons(*.Ico;*.Cur)|*.ico;*.cur|GIF(*.Gif)|*.gif|JPEG(*.Jpg)|*.jpg|All Files(*.*)|*.*||"/>

<string id="9179" value="(System default)"/>

<string id="9180" value="Random"/>

<string id="9181" value="Unfold"/>

<string id="9182" value="Slide"/>

<string id="9183" value="Fade"/>

<string id="9184" value="None"/>

<string id="9185" value="Active Files"/>

<string id="9320" value="Нов"/>

<string id="9321" value="Премахни"/>

<string id="9322" value="Move Up"/>

<string id="9323" value="Move Down"/>

<string id="9325" value="Sort Ascending\nSort Ascending"/>

<string id="9326" value="Sort Descending\nSort Descending"/>

<string id="9327" value="Aligns the paragraph at the left margin\nAlign Left"/>

<string id="9328" value="Centers the paragraph between the margins\nCenter"/>

<string id="9329" value="Aligns the paragraph at the right margin\nAlign Right"/>

<string id="9330" value="Show large icons\nLarge Icons"/>

<string id="9331" value="Show small icons\nSmall Icons"/>

<string id="9332" value="Remove from Outlook Bar"/>

<string id="9333" value="Rename Shortcut"/>

<string id="9334" value="Премахни на Група"/>

<string id="9335" value="Промени име на Група"/>

<string id="9336" value="Име"/>

<string id="9337" value="Размер"/>

<string id="9338" value="Вид"/>

<string id="9339" value="Променен"/>

<string id="9340" value="Автоматично"/>

<string id="9341" value="Персонализирай..."/>

<string id="9342" value="Select Directory:"/>

<string id="9343" value="..."/>

<string id="9344" value="*.*"/>

<string id="9345" value="All Files (*.*)|*.*||"/>

<string id="9346" value="Directory name:"/>

<string id="9347" value="Click push pin to keep open"/>

<string id="9348" value="Знаете ли, че..."/>

<string id="9349" value="The specified file does not exist."/>

<string id="9350" value="Error reading file."/>

<string id="9351" value="Colors"/>

<string id="9352" value="Нов"/>

<string id="9353" value="Current"/>

<string id="9354" value="Directories:"/>

<string id="9355" value="Files:"/>

<string id="9356" value="Hex"/>

<string id="9357" value="The operating system is out of memory or resources."/>

<string id="9358" value="The specified file was not found."/>

<string id="9359" value="The specified path was not found."/>

<string id="9360" value="The operating system denied access to the specified file."/>

<string id="9361" value="There was not enough memory to complete the operation."/>

<string id="9362" value="The .exe file is invalid (non-Win32® .exe or error in .exe image)."/>

<string id="9363" value="A sharing violation occurred."/>

<string id="9364" value="The file name association is incomplete or invalid."/>

<string id="9365" value="The DDE transaction could not be completed because the request timed out."/>

<string id="9366" value="The DDE transaction failed."/>

<string id="9367" value="The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed."/>

<string id="9368" value="There is no application associated with the given file name extension."/>

<string id="9369" value="The specified dynamic-link library was not found."/>

<string id="9370" value="An unknown error number %d occured."/>

<string id="9424" value="Standard Colors"/>

<string id="9425" value="Tip text"/>

<string id="9432" value="Да"/>

<string id="9433" value="&Да"/>

<string id="9434" value="&Не"/>

<string id="9435" value="&Отново"/>

<string id="9436" value="Отказ"/>

<string id="9437" value="&Затвори"/>

<string id="9438" value="Покажи &детайли"/>

<string id="9439" value="Скрий &детайли"/>

<string id="9440" value="&Приложи"/>

<string id="9441" value="Помощ"/>

<string id="9900" value="Black"/>

<string id="9901" value="Brown"/>

<string id="9902" value="Olive Green"/>

<string id="9903" value="Dark Green"/>

<string id="9904" value="Dark Teal"/>

<string id="9905" value="Dark Blue"/>

<string id="9906" value="Indigo"/>

<string id="9907" value="Gray-80%"/>

<string id="9908" value="Dark Red"/>

<string id="9909" value="Orange"/>

<string id="9910" value="Dark Yellow"/>

<string id="9911" value="Green"/>

<string id="9912" value="Teal"/>

<string id="9913" value="Blue"/>

<string id="9914" value="Blue-Gray"/>

<string id="9915" value="Gray-50%"/>

<string id="9916" value="Red"/>

<string id="9917" value="Light Orange"/>

<string id="9918" value="Lime"/>

<string id="9919" value="Sea Green"/>

<string id="9920" value="Aqua"/>

<string id="9921" value="Light Blue"/>

<string id="9922" value="Violet"/>

<string id="9923" value="Gray-40%"/>

<string id="9924" value="Pink"/>

<string id="9925" value="Gold"/>

<string id="9926" value="Yellow"/>

<string id="9927" value="Bright Green"/>

<string id="9928" value="Turquoise"/>

<string id="9929" value="Sky Blue"/>

<string id="9930" value="Plum"/>

<string id="9931" value="Gray-25%"/>

<string id="9932" value="Rose"/>

<string id="9933" value="Tan"/>

<string id="9934" value="Light Yellow"/>

<string id="9935" value="Light Green"/>

<string id="9936" value="Light Turquoise"/>

<string id="9937" value="Pale Blue"/>

<string id="9938" value="Lavender"/>

<string id="9939" value="White"/>

<string id="9940" value="Gray"/>

<string id="9941" value="Maroon"/>

<string id="9942" value="Olive"/>

<string id="9943" value="Navy"/>

<string id="9944" value="Purple"/>

<string id="9945" value="Silver"/>

<string id="9946" value="Fuchsia"/>

<string id="9947" value="No Fill\nNo Fill"/>

<string id="9948" value="Automatic Color\nAutomatic Color"/>

<string id="9949" value="More Colors..."/>

<string id="9974" value="One Page"/>

<string id="9975" value="Two Page"/>

<string id="35001" value="Customize application appearance, toolbars, and menus\n&Customize..."/>

<string id="35200" value="Arabic"/>

<string id="35201" value="Български"/>

<string id="35202" value="Chinese Simplified"/>

<string id="35203" value="Chinese Traditional"/>

<string id="35204" value="Croatian"/>

<string id="35205" value="Czech"/>

<string id="35206" value="Danish"/>

<string id="35207" value="Dutch"/>

<string id="35208" value="English"/>

<string id="35209" value="Estonian"/>

<string id="35210" value="Finnish"/>

<string id="35211" value="French"/>

<string id="35212" value="German"/>

<string id="35213" value="Greek"/>

<string id="35214" value="Hebrew"/>

<string id="35215" value="Hungarian"/>

<string id="35216" value="Italian"/>

<string id="35217" value="Japanese"/>

<string id="35218" value="Korean"/>

<string id="35219" value="Latvian"/>

<string id="35220" value="Lithuanian"/>

<string id="35221" value="Norwegian"/>

<string id="35222" value="Polish"/>

<string id="35223" value="Portuguese Brazil"/>

<string id="35224" value="Portuguese"/>

<string id="35225" value="Romanian"/>

<string id="35226" value="Russian"/>

<string id="35227" value="Slovak"/>

<string id="35228" value="Slovenian"/>

<string id="35229" value="Spanish"/>

<string id="35230" value="Swedish"/>

<string id="35231" value="Thai"/>

<string id="35232" value="Turkish"/>

<string id="35233" value="Ukrainian"/>

<string id="61440" value="Open"/>

<string id="61441" value="Save As"/>

<string id="61442" value="Всички файлове (*.*)"/>

<string id="61443" value="Без име"/>

<string id="61446" value="an unnamed file"/>

<string id="61457" value="&Скрий"/>

<string id="61472" value="No error message is available."/>

<string id="61473" value="An unsupported operation was attempted."/>

<string id="61474" value="A required resource was unavailable."/>

<string id="61475" value="Out of memory."/>

<string id="61476" value="An unknown error has occurred."/>

<string id="61477" value="An invalid argument was encountered."/>

<string id="61696" value="Invalid filename."/>

<string id="61697" value="Failed to open document."/>

<string id="61698" value="Failed to save document."/>

<string id="61699" value="Запис на промените в %1?"/>

<string id="61700" value="Failed to create empty document."/>

<string id="61701" value="The file is too large to open."/>

<string id="61702" value="Could not start print job."/>

<string id="61703" value="Failed to launch help."/>

<string id="61704" value="Internal application error."/>

<string id="61705" value="Command failed."/>

<string id="61706" value="Insufficient memory to perform operation."/>

<string id="61707" value="System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted."/>

<string id="61708" value="Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed."/>

<string id="61709" value="This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system."/>

<string id="61710" value="This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s."/>

<string id="61712" value="Please enter an integer."/>

<string id="61713" value="Please enter a number."/>

<string id="61714" value="Please enter an integer between %1 and %2."/>

<string id="61715" value="Please enter a number between %1 and %2."/>

<string id="61716" value="Please enter no more than %1 characters."/>

<string id="61717" value="Please select a button."/>

<string id="61718" value="Please enter an integer between 0 and 255."/>

<string id="61719" value="Please enter a positive integer."/>

<string id="61720" value="Please enter a date and/or time."/>

<string id="61721" value="Please enter a currency."/>

<string id="61722" value="Please enter a GUID."/>

<string id="61723" value="Please enter a time."/>

<string id="61724" value="Please enter a date."/>

<string id="61728" value="Unexpected file format."/>

<string id="61729" value="%1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given."/>

<string id="61730" value="Destination disk drive is full."/>

<string id="61731" value="Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else."/>

<string id="61732" value="Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else."/>

<string id="61733" value="An unexpected error occurred while reading %1."/>

<string id="61734" value="An unexpected error occurred while writing %1."/>

<string id="61744" value="%1: %2\nContinue running script?"/>

<string id="61745" value="Dispatch exception: %1"/>

<string id="61836" value="Unable to read write-only property."/>

<string id="61837" value="Unable to write read-only property."/>

<string id="61840" value="Unable to load mail system support."/>

<string id="61841" value="Mail system DLL is invalid."/>

<string id="61842" value="Send Mail failed to send message."/>

<string id="61856" value="No error occurred."/>

<string id="61857" value="An unknown error occurred while accessing %1."/>

<string id="61858" value="%1 was not found."/>

<string id="61859" value="%1 contains an invalid path."/>

<string id="61860" value="%1 could not be opened because there are too many open files."/>

<string id="61861" value="Access to %1 was denied."/>

<string id="61862" value="An invalid file handle was associated with %1."/>

<string id="61863" value="%1 could not be removed because it is the current directory."/>

<string id="61864" value="%1 could not be created because the directory is full."/>

<string id="61865" value="Seek failed on %1"/>

<string id="61866" value="A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1."/>

<string id="61867" value="A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1."/>

<string id="61868" value="A locking violation occurred while accessing %1."/>

<string id="61869" value="Disk full while accessing %1."/>

<string id="61870" value="An attempt was made to access %1 past its end."/>

<string id="61872" value="No error occurred."/>

<string id="61873" value="An unknown error occurred while accessing %1."/>

<string id="61874" value="An attempt was made to write to the reading %1."/>

<string id="61875" value="An attempt was made to access %1 past its end."/>

<string id="61876" value="An attempt was made to read from the writing %1."/>

<string id="61877" value="%1 has a bad format."/>

<string id="61878" value="%1 contained an unexpected object."/>

<string id="61879" value="%1 contains an incorrect schema."/>

<string id="61888" value="точки"/>

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<dialog id="129" caption="Информация" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 262, 222">

<control id="216" caption="Основна" position="6, 16, 42, 12"/>

<control id="163" caption="Версия на клиента:" position="18, 29, 92, 8"/>

<control id="165" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 29, 152, 12"/>

<control id="157" caption="Свързан към:" position="18, 57, 92, 8"/>

<control id="160" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 57, 152, 12"/>

<control id="2101" caption="Връзка Мрежа" position="6, 76, 54, 12"/>

<control id="167" caption="IP адрес:" position="18, 89, 92, 12"/>

<control id="169" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 89, 152, 12"/>

<control id="171" caption="Порт:" position="18, 104, 92, 12"/>

<control id="173" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 104, 152, 12"/>

<control id="176" caption="Състояние:" position="18, 118, 92, 12"/>

<control id="178" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 118, 152, 12"/>

<control id="210" caption="Основна информация" position="0, 0, 262, 15"/>

<control id="211" style="1342177296" position="41, 21, 221, 1"/>

<control id="212" style="1342177296" position="64, 80, 198, 1"/>

<control caption="Версия на сървъра:" position="18, 43, 92, 12"/>

<control id="161" class="EDIT" style="1342179456" position="110, 43, 152, 12"/>

<control id="1130" caption="Лиценз:" position="18, 168, 61, 8"/>

<control id="213" style="1342177296" position="73, 143, 189, 1"/>

<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Активирай продукта..." style="1342242816" position="170, 201, 85, 14"/>

<control id="1133" caption="NeoRouter инфо" position="6, 138, 65, 8"/>

<control id="1134" caption="Вариант:" position="18, 153, 92, 8"/>

<control id="1135" caption="product name" position="110, 153, 152, 8"/>

<control id="1136" caption="computer license" position="110, 168, 152, 8"/>

<control id="1137" caption="expire information" position="110, 183, 152, 8"/>


<dialog id="130" caption="Настройки на NeoRouter" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 212, 113">

<control id="146" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344340290" position="65, 21, 130, 30"/>

<control id="155" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="65, 39, 130, 14"/>

<control id="160" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344340290" position="65, 59, 130, 73"/>

<control id="199" class="BUTTON" caption="ВХОД" style="1342242817" position="26, 92, 50, 14"/>

<control id="209" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="82, 92, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption=" ВХОД" style="1342177287" position="6, 7, 199, 77"/>

<control id="152" caption="Име:" styleex="4096" position="8, 23, 49, 8"/>

<control id="153" caption="Парола:" styleex="4096" position="8, 42, 49, 8"/>

<control id="157" caption="Свързване към:" styleex="4096" position="8, 60, 49, 8"/>

<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption=" Връзка..." style="1342242816" position="137, 92, 58, 14"/>


<dialog id="131" caption="Потребители" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 310, 222">

<control id="166" class="SysListView32" style="1350633485" position="0, 30, 310, 150"/>

<control id="205" style="1342177298" styleex="32" position="0, 183, 310, 40"/>

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<control id="207" caption="Body" position="4, 198, 306, 19"/>

<control id="208" caption="Toolbar" position="0, 15, 310, 15"/>

<control id="210" caption="Потребители" position="0, 0, 310, 15"/>


<dialog id="132" caption="Компютри" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 310, 222">

<control id="168" class="SysListView32" style="1350633485" position="0, 30, 310, 83"/>

<control id="170" caption=" Контрол на достъпа:" position="0, 116, 309, 8"/>

<control id="174" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="156, 127, 154, 54"/>

<control id="208" caption="Toolbar" styleex="32" position="0, 15, 310, 15"/>

<control id="172" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="0, 127, 154, 54"/>

<control id="205" style="1342177298" styleex="32" position="0, 183, 310, 40"/>

<control id="206" caption="Title" position="4, 186, 306, 10"/>

<control id="207" caption="Body" position="4, 198, 306, 19"/>

<control id="210" caption=" Компютри" position="0, 0, 310, 15"/>


<dialog id="133" caption="Настройки" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 262, 222">

<control id="1078" class="BUTTON" caption="Настройка..." style="1342242816" position="191, 26, 59, 14"/>

<control id="1116" class="BUTTON" caption="Обновяване" style="1342242816" position="191, 43, 59, 14"/>

<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Промяна Порт" style="1342242816" position="191, 71, 59, 14"/>

<control id="175" class="BUTTON" caption="UPnP (Universal Plug and Play)" style="1342308361" position="36, 97, 140, 10"/>

<control id="177" class="BUTTON" caption="Ръчнo пренасочване портове" style="1342177289" position="36, 109, 140, 10"/>

<control id="1079" class="BUTTON" caption="Рестартиране" style="1342242816" position="191, 125, 59, 14"/>

<control id="1075" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="90, 27, 98, 14"/>

<control id="180" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="90, 71, 98, 13"/>

<control id="2101" caption="Сървър" position="5, 60, 30, 12"/>

<control id="179" caption="Порт: " position="16, 71, 67, 12"/>

<control id="205" style="1342177298" styleex="32" position="0, 183, 262, 40"/>

<control id="206" caption="Title" position="4, 186, 306, 10"/>

<control id="207" caption="Body" position="4, 198, 306, 19"/>

<control id="210" caption="Settings" position="0, 0, 262, 15"/>

<control id="212" style="1342177296" position="36, 65, 226, 1"/>

<control id="2102" caption="Домейн" position="5, 16, 29, 12"/>

<control id="211" style="1342177296" position="36, 20, 226, 1"/>

<control id="1074" caption="Текущ Домейн:" position="16, 29, 67, 8"/>

<control caption="Рестартиране сървъра на този компютър..." position="15, 127, 169, 8"/>

<control caption="Обновяване на информацията за Домейна..." position="16, 46, 172, 8"/>

<control id="1120" class="BUTTON" caption="Настройки NAT" style="1342177287" position="27, 85, 161, 38"/>

<control id="1124" caption="DHCP" position="5, 144, 31, 8"/>

<control id="213" style="1342177296" position="36, 147, 222, 1"/>

<control caption="Мрежа:" position="16, 155, 67, 8"/>

<control caption="Маска:" position="16, 169, 67, 8"/>

<control id="1126" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="90, 152, 98, 12"/>

<control id="1119" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="90, 167, 98, 12"/>

<control id="1127" class="BUTTON" caption=" Промени DHCP" style="1342242816" position="191, 152, 59, 14"/>


<dialog id="135" caption="Защита и контрол на достъпа" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 275, 294">

<control id="172" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="14, 25, 247, 55"/>

<control id="185" class="BUTTON" caption="Добави..." style="1342242816" position="159, 84, 50, 14"/>

<control id="186" class="BUTTON" caption="Премахни" style="1342242816" position="211, 84, 50, 14"/>

<control id="187" class="BUTTON" caption="Включено (препоръчително)" style="1342308361" position="14, 122, 247, 10"/>

<control id="190" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728931" position="21, 158, 188, 55"/>

<control id="191" class="BUTTON" caption="Добави..." style="1342242816" position="211, 158, 50, 14"/>

<control id="193" class="BUTTON" caption="Промени..." style="1342242816" position="211, 178, 50, 14"/>

<control id="194" class="BUTTON" caption="Премахни" style="1342242816" position="211, 196, 50, 14"/>

<control id="214" class="BUTTON" caption="Изключено (не е препоръчително)" style="1342177289" position="14, 227, 210, 10"/>

<control id="200" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="164, 273, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="218, 273, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption=" Списък Потребители" style="1342177287" position="7, 3, 261, 100"/>

<control id="184" caption="Потребители, имащи достъп до компютърa:" position="14, 15, 152, 8"/>

<control id="189" caption="Тази настройка блокира всички входящи съединения с този компютър, с изключение на:" position="24, 137, 237, 19"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption=" Защитна стена" style="1342177287" position="7, 106, 261, 160"/>

<control caption="Избягвайте тази настройка. Изключването на защитната стена може да направи този Компютър по-уязвим." position="24, 241, 237, 18"/>


<dialog id="136" caption="Добави Порт" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 234, 124">

<control id="196" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="65, 27, 151, 14"/>

<control id="197" class="BUTTON" caption="TCP" style="1342308361" position="65, 58, 29, 10"/>

<control id="198" class="BUTTON" caption="UDP" style="1342177289" position="141, 58, 29, 10"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="122, 103, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="177, 103, 50, 14"/>

<control caption="Порт номер:" position="16, 30, 43, 8"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption=" Порт" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 220, 89"/>

<control caption="Протокол:" position="16, 58, 34, 8"/>


<dialog id="137" caption="Добави Потребител" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 201, 164">

<control id="172" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728833" position="15, 21, 171, 107"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="90, 143, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="144, 143, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption=" Потребители" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 187, 129"/>


<dialog id="138" caption="Добави Сървис" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 228, 198">

<control id="1070" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="41, 19, 172, 14"/>

<control id="174" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728835" position="14, 51, 199, 94"/>

<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Добави..." style="1342242816" position="59, 149, 50, 14"/>

<control id="1072" class="BUTTON" caption="Промени..." style="1342242816" position="112, 149, 50, 14"/>

<control id="1073" class="BUTTON" caption="Премахни" style="1342242816" position="164, 149, 50, 14"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="117, 177, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="171, 177, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption=" Сървиси" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 214, 164"/>

<control id="1069" caption="Име:" position="15, 20, 22, 8"/>

<control id="1071" caption="Портове:" position="15, 39, 109, 8"/>


<dialog id="141" caption="Смяна на Парола" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 227, 108">

<control id="155" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 24, 133, 14"/>

<control id="161" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 46, 133, 14"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="116, 87, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="170, 87, 50, 14"/>

<control caption="Нова Парола:" position="14, 27, 68, 8"/>

<control caption="Потвърди Парола:" position="14, 48, 68, 8"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption=" Парола" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 213, 70"/>


<dialog id="151" caption="Потребител" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 252, 167">

<control id="146" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="82, 18, 159, 14"/>

<control id="156" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="82, 38, 159, 14"/>

<control id="182" class="BUTTON" caption="Администратор" style="1342308361" position="82, 60, 65, 10"/>

<control id="183" class="BUTTON" caption="Потребител" style="1342177289" position="169, 60, 67, 10"/>

<control id="181" class="BUTTON" caption="Активен" style="1342242819" position="82, 81, 41, 10"/>

<control id="202" class="BUTTON" caption="Промяна Парола..." style="1342242816" position="82, 102, 84, 14"/>

<control id="1065" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 100, 159, 14"/>

<control id="161" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 119, 159, 14"/>

<control id="200" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="131, 146, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="195, 146, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption=" Потребител" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 238, 133"/>

<control id="152" caption="Потребител име:" position="14, 22, 68, 8"/>

<control id="154" caption="Пълно име:" position="14, 41, 68, 8"/>

<control id="162" caption="Състояние:" position="14, 81, 68, 8"/>

<control id="164" caption="Категория:" position="14, 60, 68, 8"/>

<control id="1064" caption="Парола:" position="14, 103, 68, 8"/>

<control id="159" caption="Потвърди Парола:" position="14, 122, 68, 8"/>


<dialog id="152" caption="Промяна Порт" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 212, 116">

<control id="1080" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="79, 33, 113, 14"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="96, 95, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="155, 95, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption=" Порт Сървър" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 198, 78"/>

<control caption="Порт номер:" position="19, 35, 43, 8"/>


<dialog id="153" caption="Настройка Домейн" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 256, 134">

<control id="1075" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="98, 27, 143, 14"/>

<control id="1084" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="98, 46, 143, 14"/>

<control id="1085" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="98, 65, 143, 14"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="141, 113, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="197, 113, 50, 14"/>

<control caption="Въведете името на Домейна и паролата за сървъра." position="7, 5, 240, 14"/>

<control id="1074" caption="Име Домейн:" position="17, 30, 71, 8"/>

<control caption="Парола Домейн:" position="17, 49, 71, 8"/>

<control caption="Потвърди Парола:" position="17, 67, 71, 8"/>

<control id="1121" caption="Забравена Парола?" position="98, 84, 143, 8"/>

<control id="1122" caption=" Създай нов Домейн..." position="7, 119, 119, 8"/>


<dialog id="155" caption="Промени името на Домейн" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 203, 115">

<control id="1088" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="23, 21, 153, 14"/>

<control id="1089" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="23, 61, 153, 14"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="89, 94, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="146, 94, 50, 14"/>

<control caption="Старо име:" position="23, 7, 153, 11"/>

<control caption="Ново име:" position="23, 49, 153, 8"/>


<dialog id="156" caption="Промяна Парола на Домейн" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 227, 108">

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="116, 87, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="170, 87, 50, 14"/>

<control id="155" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 24, 133, 14"/>

<control id="161" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="82, 46, 133, 14"/>

<control caption="Нова Парола:" position="14, 27, 68, 8"/>

<control caption="Потвърди Парола:" position="14, 48, 68, 8"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption=" Парола на Домейн" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 213, 70"/>


<dialog id="158" caption="Свързване" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086849096" position="0, 0, 262, 222">

<control id="198" class="BUTTON" caption="Създаване на директна UDP връзка" style="1342308361" position="14, 28, 238, 10"/>

<control id="197" class="BUTTON" caption="Създаване на директна TCP връзка" style="1342177289" position="14, 51, 238, 10"/>

<control id="199" class="BUTTON" caption="Свързване чрез Сървър" style="1342177289" position="14, 83, 238, 10"/>

<control id="1062" class="BUTTON" caption="Приложи" style="1342242816" position="202, 130, 50, 14"/>

<control id="210" caption="Свързванеs" position="0, 0, 262, 15"/>

<control id="205" style="1342177298" styleex="32" position="0, 182, 262, 40"/>

<control id="206" caption="Title" position="4, 186, 306, 10"/>

<control id="207" caption="Body" position="4, 198, 306, 19"/>

<control id="1094" caption="Този вариант е препоръчителен за повечето домашни Потребители. " position="30, 39, 222, 11"/>

<control id="1095" caption="Изберете този вариант, ако Вашият маршрутизатор или защитна стена блокират UDP пакетите или Вашата мрежа е нестабилна. " position="30, 61, 222, 18"/>

<control id="1096" caption="Указва на клиентите да обменят информация чрез Сървър. Този метод се препоръчва ако Вашата мрежа е нестабилна или ако Вашият маршрутизатор използва специална MTU стойност." position="30, 93, 216, 25"/>

<control id="216" caption="Връзка между Клиентите" position="4, 17, 103, 12"/>

<control id="211" style="1342177296" position="110, 22, 146, 1"/>

<control caption="Свързване с Интернет" style="1073872896" position="4, 137, 68, 8"/>

<control id="212" style="1073741840" position="73, 142, 181, 1"/>

<control caption="Настройка свързването на NeoRouter с Интернет" style="1073872896" position="30, 153, 171, 8"/>

<control id="1116" class="BUTTON" caption=" Настройки" style="1073807360" position="202, 151, 50, 14"/>


<dialog id="159" caption="Настройка на връзката с Интернет" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 244, 172">

<control id="1097" class="BUTTON" caption="Директна връзка / Без прокси сървър" style="1342373897" position="13, 20, 217, 10"/>

<control id="1098" class="BUTTON" caption="Свързване чрез прокси сървър:" style="1342242825" position="13, 33, 217, 10"/>

<control id="1113" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344340227" position="77, 47, 153, 30"/>

<control id="1114" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="77, 66, 101, 14"/>

<control id="1101" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="204, 66, 26, 14"/>

<control id="1103" class="BUTTON" caption="Идентифициране" style="1342242819" position="23, 89, 70, 10"/>

<control id="146" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="77, 103, 153, 14"/>

<control id="155" class="EDIT" style="1350631584" position="77, 121, 153, 14"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="133, 151, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="187, 151, 50, 14"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption=" Настройка на връзката с Интернет" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 230, 139"/>

<control caption="Сървър:" position="23, 68, 47, 8"/>

<control caption="Порт:" position="183, 69, 17, 8"/>

<control caption="Протокол:" position="23, 49, 47, 8"/>

<control caption="Парола:" position="23, 124, 34, 8"/>

<control caption="Име:" position="23, 106, 38, 8"/>


<dialog id="160" caption="Промяна Компютър" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 189, 118">

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="79, 97, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="132, 97, 50, 14"/>

<control caption="Компютър:" position="7, 7, 175, 8"/>

<control id="1118" class="EDIT" style="1350633600" position="7, 18, 175, 14"/>

<control caption="Наричан още:" position="7, 47, 175, 8"/>

<control id="1119" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="7, 58, 175, 14"/>


<dialog id="161" caption="DHCP Настройки" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 203, 98">

<control id="1126" class="SysIPAddress32" style="1342242816" position="71, 22, 100, 15"/>

<control id="1119" class="SysIPAddress32" style="1342242816" position="71, 48, 100, 15"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="91, 77, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="146, 77, 50, 14"/>

<control caption="Mрежа:" position="29, 26, 26, 8"/>

<control caption="Маска:" position="29, 52, 31, 8"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption=" Настройки" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 189, 66"/>


<dialog id="162" caption="Product Activation" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 259, 123">

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="144, 102, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="202, 102, 50, 14"/>

<control id="1138" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="35, 55, 187, 14"/>

<control caption="To activate the product please enter your product key. You will have received this with invoice when you purchased the software." position="17, 23, 235, 24"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption=" Product Key" style="1342177287" position="7, 7, 245, 87"/>


<dialog id="9114" caption="&Menus" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">

<control id="100" caption="Application Menus" position="4, 5, 222, 8"/>

<control id="101" caption="Context Menus" position="4, 80, 222, 8"/>

<control caption="&Show Menu:" position="10, 20, 44, 11"/>

<control id="102" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="54, 18, 159, 79"/>

<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="Reset" style="1342242816" position="10, 57, 70, 14"/>

<control id="106" caption="Default menu\nDefault application menu" position="37, 34, 181, 18"/>

<control id="107" resource="0" style="1342177283" position="10, 32, 21, 20"/>

<control caption="Select &context menu:" position="10, 92, 68, 10"/>

<control id="104" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="83, 90, 130, 79"/>

<control id="105" class="BUTTON" caption="Reset" style="1342242816" position="10, 108, 70, 14"/>


<dialog id="9115" caption="Button Editor" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-1865940792" position="0, 0, 253, 185">

<control caption="Picture" position="7, 7, 86, 8"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Colors" style="1342177287" position="102, 106, 80, 71"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Move" style="1342177287" position="101, 72, 81, 31"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Preview" style="1342177287" position="7, 106, 86, 71"/>

<control class="BUTTON" caption="Tools" style="1342177287" position="101, 9, 81, 60"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="193, 7, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="193, 25, 50, 14"/>

<control id="100" style="1342177543" position="7, 17, 86, 80"/>

<control id="101" style="1342308865" styleex="131072" position="14, 117, 73, 54"/>

<control caption="Transparent" position="135, 156, 42, 8"/>

<control id="105" style="1342308608" position="116, 153, 15, 15"/>

<control id="103" caption="Tools" style="1082262017" position="112, 21, 60, 43"/>

<control id="104" caption="Move" style="1082262017" position="111, 83, 62, 12"/>

<control id="106" style="1342308620" position="109, 144, 15, 15"/>

<control id="102" caption="Colors" style="1082262017" position="107, 121, 68, 12"/>


<dialog id="9116" caption="&Keyboard" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">

<control caption="Cate&gory:" position="4, 5, 89, 8"/>

<control id="100" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="4, 15, 91, 147"/>

<control id="101" caption="Co&mmands:" position="4, 28, 89, 8"/>

<control id="102" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728897" position="4, 38, 91, 77"/>

<control id="103" caption="K&ey assignments:" position="100, 28, 73, 8"/>

<control id="104" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728897" position="100, 38, 75, 51"/>

<control id="105" caption="Press &new shortcut key:" position="100, 93, 100, 8"/>

<control id="106" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="100, 103, 75, 12"/>

<control id="107" class="BUTTON" caption="&Assign" style="1342242816" position="179, 39, 49, 14"/>

<control id="108" class="BUTTON" caption="&Remove" style="1342242816" position="179, 56, 49, 14"/>

<control id="109" class="BUTTON" caption="Re&set All" style="1342242816" position="179, 73, 49, 14"/>

<control id="110" caption="Description:" position="4, 117, 89, 8"/>

<control id="111" styleex="131072" position="4, 127, 171, 19"/>


<dialog id="9117" caption="Tool&bars" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">

<control caption="Toolb&ars:" position="4, 5, 148, 8"/>

<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728913" position="4, 15, 150, 131"/>

<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="&New..." style="1342242816" position="158, 15, 70, 14"/>

<control id="102" class="BUTTON" caption="&Rename..." style="1342242816" position="158, 33, 70, 14"/>

<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="&Delete" style="1342242816" position="158, 51, 70, 14"/>

<control id="104" class="BUTTON" caption="R&eset..." style="1342242816" position="158, 69, 70, 14"/>


<dialog id="9118" caption="&Options" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">

<control id="108" caption="Personalized Menus and Toolbars" position="4, 5, 222, 8"/>

<control id="100" class="BUTTON" caption="Always show full me&nus" style="1342242819" position="10, 17, 216, 10"/>

<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="Show full menus after a short &delay" style="1342242819" position="22, 29, 204, 10"/>

<control id="102" class="BUTTON" caption="&Reset menu and toolbar usage data" style="1342242816" position="10, 42, 125, 14"/>

<control id="107" caption="Other" position="4, 70, 222, 8"/>

<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="&Large icons" style="1342242819" position="10, 82, 216, 10"/>

<control id="104" class="BUTTON" caption="Show Screen&Tips on toolbars" style="1342242819" position="10, 93, 216, 10"/>

<control id="105" class="BUTTON" caption="Show s&hortcut keys in ScreenTips" style="1342242819" position="22, 104, 204, 10"/>

<control caption="&Menu animations:" position="10, 117, 56, 8"/>

<control id="106" class="COMBOBOX" style="1344339971" position="70, 115, 79, 65"/>


<dialog id="9119" caption="&Commands" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1086324808" position="0, 0, 230, 150">

<control caption="To add a command to a toolbar: select a category and drag the command out of this dialog box to a toolbar." position="4, 5, 220, 19"/>

<control caption="Cate&gories:" position="4, 25, 80, 8"/>

<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728833" position="4, 35, 81, 111"/>

<control caption="Comman&ds:" position="90, 25, 134, 8"/>

<control id="101" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728849" position="90, 35, 135, 111"/>


<dialog id="9120" caption="New Toolbar" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 186, 52">

<control caption="&Toolbar name:" position="4, 4, 178, 8"/>

<control id="100" class="EDIT" style="1350631552" position="4, 15, 178, 12"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="OK" style="1342242817" position="78, 34, 50, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Cancel" style="1342242816" position="132, 34, 50, 14"/>


<dialog id="9312" caption="Tip of the Day" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="0, 0, 279, 157">

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="&Close" style="1342242817" position="221, 136, 50, 14"/>

<control id="100" class="BUTTON" caption="&Show tips at startup" style="1342242819" position="7, 140, 120, 10"/>

<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="&Next Tip" style="1342242816" position="162, 136, 50, 14"/>

<control id="102" style="1073741832" position="8, 7, 263, 123"/>


<dialog id="9313" caption="Custom" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1321205832" position="0, 0, 147, 161">

<control id="100" caption="&Colors:" position="2, 4, 43, 10"/>

<control id="101" style="1342242823" position="3, 15, 119, 86"/>

<control id="102" style="1342242823" position="126, 15, 20, 86"/>

<control id="104" caption="&Hue:" position="7, 108, 18, 8"/>

<control id="115" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="25, 106, 33, 13"/>

<control id="112" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin1" style="1342177318" position="49, 105, 10, 14"/>

<control id="105" caption="&Sat:" position="7, 125, 18, 8"/>

<control id="114" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="25, 122, 33, 13"/>

<control id="116" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin2" style="1342177318" position="49, 122, 10, 14"/>

<control id="106" caption="&Lum:" position="7, 140, 18, 8"/>

<control id="113" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="25, 138, 33, 13"/>

<control id="117" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin3" style="1342177318" position="49, 137, 10, 14"/>

<control id="107" caption="&Red:" position="65, 108, 23, 8"/>

<control id="110" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="89, 106, 33, 13"/>

<control id="119" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin1" style="1342177318" position="113, 105, 11, 14"/>

<control id="108" caption="&Green:" position="65, 125, 23, 8"/>

<control id="111" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="89, 122, 33, 13"/>

<control id="120" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin2" style="1342177318" position="113, 122, 11, 14"/>

<control id="109" caption="&Blue:" position="65, 140, 23, 8"/>

<control id="118" class="EDIT" style="1350639744" position="89, 138, 33, 13"/>

<control id="121" class="msctls_updown32" caption="Spin3" style="1342177318" position="113, 137, 11, 14"/>


<dialog id="9314" caption="Standard" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1321205832" position="0, 0, 147, 161">

<control id="100" caption="&Colors:" position="2, 4, 43, 10"/>

<control id="103" style="1342242823" position="0, 15, 147, 145"/>


<dialog id="9315" caption="Arrange Windows" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-1865678776" position="0, 0, 301, 164">

<control caption="Select &Window:" position="7, 7, 147, 8"/>

<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1353779539" position="7, 17, 216, 140"/>

<control id="101" class="BUTTON" caption="&Activate" style="1342242816" position="233, 7, 62, 14"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="&OK" style="1342242816" position="233, 24, 62, 14"/>

<control id="105" class="BUTTON" caption="&Save" style="1342242816" position="233, 41, 62, 14"/>

<control id="104" class="BUTTON" caption="&Close Window" style="1342242816" position="233, 58, 62, 14"/>

<control id="102" class="BUTTON" caption="Casca&de" style="1342242816" position="233, 75, 62, 14"/>

<control id="106" class="BUTTON" caption="Tile &Horizontally" style="1342242816" position="233, 92, 62, 14"/>

<control id="107" class="BUTTON" caption="Tile &Vertically" style="1342242816" position="233, 109, 62, 14"/>

<control id="103" class="BUTTON" caption="Minimi&ze" style="1342242816" position="233, 126, 62, 14"/>


<dialog id="9976" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="1073741892" position="0, 0, 392, 16">

<control id="58116" class="BUTTON" caption="&Print..." style="1342275584" position="2, 2, 44, 12"/>

<control id="58114" class="BUTTON" caption="&Next Page" style="1342275584" position="48, 2, 44, 12"/>

<control id="58115" class="BUTTON" caption="Pre&v Page" style="1342275584" position="94, 2, 44, 12"/>

<control id="58113" class="BUTTON" style="1342275584" position="140, 2, 44, 12"/>

<control id="58117" class="BUTTON" caption="Zoom &In" style="1342275584" position="186, 2, 44, 12"/>

<control id="58118" class="BUTTON" caption="Zoom &Out" style="1342275584" position="232, 2, 44, 12"/>

<control id="58112" class="BUTTON" caption="&Close" style="1342275584" position="278, 2, 44, 12"/>


<dialog id="30721" caption="Нов" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376252" position="9, 26, 183, 70">

<control caption="&Нов " style="1342177280" position="6, 5, 123, 8"/>

<control id="100" class="LISTBOX" style="1352728577" position="6, 15, 125, 49"/>

<control id="1" class="BUTTON" caption="Да" style="1342242817" position="137, 6, 40, 14"/>

<control id="2" class="BUTTON" caption="Отказ" style="1342242816" position="137, 23, 40, 14"/>

<control id="57670" class="BUTTON" caption="&Помощ" style="1342242816" position="137, 43, 40, 14"/>


<dialog id="30734" fontface="MS Shell Dlg" style="-2134376248" position="9, 26, 183, 70"/>
